
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I was doing the tutorials over at digital toolbox and got stuck when it came to 'cross referencing' since the newer version of gh now has a separate component for cross reference.

here is the video link. The part which I was unable to do and would like to know the equivalent method in the newer gh is from around 2:36 - 2:54 minutes.

Where do I place my cross ref component and how to connect? I did try many things but couldn't figure it out, I also looked at the info on this site about the updated cross ref, but I'm only a beginner ;)

Thanks and any help is really appreciated :)

Views: 6509

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Try this:


Hi thanks for reply :)

Unfortunately I already tried that one, but no luck. I pasted a screen dump

Thanks anyway though

the cross reference is supposed to be between circle and eval. the reason why is

you have say 5 cirlces

and 10 random eval points

without cross reference you are telling grasshopper match one point with one circle and any remainder point put on the last circle (longest list). The cross reference here says give each circle 10 eval points.

Thank you for the correction Michael.

Or you could just graft the "Evaluate length" Length factors:


yes, that will work with a rotation method as you dont need matching lists of 2 points per circle.

It will work without the rotation too.
Each value generated from the "Random" component is matched with each circle (smaller and larger ones):

yup :) . But I think he wanted to learn about cross reference. Which at this tree level graft works. But I think we have given him quite a few options now :)

Yes, I agree on that.
It was my mistake.

No mistakes :) the more ways the better :D I actually would use the way you did as I rarely use cross reference.

Thank you for the kind words, and for correction once again.

aaaaah I see!, thanks! that worked, thanks for the description of how it works also :)

forgot to reparametrize. reparamaterize curve input on eval and set random domain to 0 to 1






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