
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Help with colour gradient? Can it follow a curve?

Hey everyone

Hoping someone could enlighten me with much knowledge regarding colour gradients.

I have these ramp-like objects and I'm currently using modelab tools' bakematerial component to get the colours. These are currently working with an attractor. Image and definition:

So how can I get the gradient to work on the ramps? Or would I have to use a curve and somehow tell it to follow the curve? The gradient seems to work on other objects.

Grasshopper and rhino file attached below if anyone wants to have a look!

Thanks in advance!


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Sorry I'm still lost!

I'm trying to get my geometries to colour the same way the curve told the ramp to colour. But wouldn't I need keep the mesh settings component in order for it to follow the curve?
I thought you were now colouring the surfaces based on height, therefore the curve of the ramp is immaterial as the definition I posted only considers height above base. But if its the evaluation of the length along the curve you would prefer, then I wouldn't be able to have look until tomorrow, sorry.
Oh whoops! I thought it was based on the trail of the curve. But yes, I was also colouring it based on height!

That's fine! I'll have a go at it and if will let you know if I manage to figure it out! Thanks a lot!

I figured worse comes to worse, I will just have to screen grab that colour and superimpose it with the render.

Good luck with your renders!
Hi Ra,

I have bakeMaterials from ModeLab for Gh 0.6.59 and I find it useful. The restriction of one color for each object is still valid though. Bake material will bake a single material for each brep. So, if a list of many colors/materials is given, the object will bake many times, once for each material.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Thanks for that Giulio!






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