
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to create a drape of triangles offset via an image sampler and my current definition doesn't seem to be giving me the results I expected (something more.. wave-like than blocky). The goal is basically to show a triangular drape that reacts to the wind.

I've thought about using Kangaroo but since I'm on a bit of a deadline I stuck to more basic components and methods. 

I'm aware that Kangaroo has a "Plastic Hinge" component that would in theory do things how I'd like but my knowledge of Kangaroo components basically stops there.

Currently, the definition is set up so that the base image is used to make a rectangle from which I'm deriving the triangle grid's horizontal and vertical counts.

From there, I connect the grid to the image sampler and move them along the z according to the data I receive from it. I finish it off with a Delauney Edges because it gives a type of mismatching of triangle sizes that I find attractive.

Basically, I dont really know what's going wrong here. I've tried upping the Image sampler resolution, changing filters, increasing the actual image resolution, and even changing the image but I'm not having much luck.

Am I going about this the right way? 

Is there a way to create a fluctuating grid of interconnected triangular surfaces in the way I imagined it?

Thank you for your time!

Views: 818


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Here is my two cents. You can choose "Quad" or "Delaunay" mesh.


Wow.. You're a legend. Thank you!

That works perfectly well, just wondering if I could give the triangles a relatively set size with the crumpling control sliders?

And, for educational purposes, what seemed to be the problem?






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