
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Hi everyone , first to all sorry for my english,

Well i'm new using grasshopper and  i'm trying to solve one problem, as my english is bad i will try to explain it  with pictures


I have this

I want this

Views: 721

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Hello Juan,

What you are looking for is [flip matrix] component on the points and then [polyline].

Thanks for your quick responde, but is not working i dont know why 

I solved. I am sure not that the shortest way but it works,But now i want to extrude the curves with one rail, any idea? thanks again


Path Mapper is another option. Check attached.


Thank you so much. i'm going to try ! :P 

Do you do the brep on rhino or in gh? because i don't know why , but i'm having problems with my brep, always I have to divide in all surfaces.

I do my best, all day trying i don't know what's is going brong, i'm so new, i try to do the same like you, but nothing... plese help


Your frame's profile curves are not planar. Probably your intial Brep geometry(It might be some sort of joined trimmed surfaces) caused the problem. so, you can't get proper offset curves.

If you don't have to get precise dimension of frame width, here is another solution using scaling strategy.


Thank you so much, you save me :D i'm going to try :D

One question can i divide the surface by lenght? and not by the number of segments?






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