
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm spanish student, and i´m working in a carbon fiber structure-sculpture with rhino. My problem become when i tried to copy/paste my model into Oasys GSA Analysis. The comand export "ssiGSAMeshToGWA" works perfectly, but when I paste in GSA emerge the attacch file problem.
Awaiting your response!!thanks and great work!!

Views: 1379


Replies to This Discussion


When I use GSA with Grasshopper, I generally save the baked Grasshopper definition as a dxf file and then import the dxf file into GSA.

Maybe try this first.

dxf is a relatively primitive way of trying to transfer this information, and the tasks of collapsing coincident nodes, reapplying properties, boundary conditions and all the structural attributes that dxf can not convey is tedious and the reason why I've written the direct translator.

I think the most obvious reason you are seeing this problem is that in Europe a comma "," decimal delimiter is typically used. If you create a node in GSA as a decimal number and right click on the nodes in the GSA gateway (shown highlighted in the image) does it have a "," decimal delimiter?

The situation is complicated for my plugin as I use a DOT "." decimal delimiter typically when saving files so I don't get this error if a European opens a rhino model created elsewhere. You can tell the plugin though to use a comma when extracting model data, either click on the second GSA button or run the Rhino command ssiGSAProps and navigate to the Options tab and select comma delimiter (it should stick to this option until changed). Then try extracting again.

If this is not the cause of the problem, please email me and I'll give you some further tests to do.



Hello Jon and GH users,


I have a similar problem with data import to GSA. The solution you mentioned above with changing "DOT" to "COMMA" works perfectly, if I export Rhino geometry (I mean if geometry is Rhino object, not GH object), but when I try to use ssiBake button in GH, it still formats data with dots instead of commas (there is a message in the command line about some exeption)... When I then "Rebuild Solution", the "GSA model updated via COM" message appers, but it just copies data with dots to clipboard and does not import anything to GSA....

I use the latest versions of your plugis, GH 0.8.0007 and Rhino4 SP8...


..thank you!!



Hi Dimitri,


When the ssiBake command is used, it executes a command to tell GSA that data will contain dot delimiter, I'll try and double check that this is functioning as it should.  I can understand about the clipboard data being consistent with that setting, maybe I will review how I have set this up.


Do you have GSA open and running prior to the first time you try to bake to GSA?  Else it will start GSA as a background service that you can not focus as an application.  Restarting Rhino will allow you to handshake a new session with a visible instance of GSA.  Make sure the start up template dialog has been cleared.


Let me know if this doesn't help.




Hi Jon,

thanks for quick reply.

I tried to follow your instructions and after some experiments I figured out, that everything works correctly in most files I've tried (mostly the examples from your blog)... the exeption message appeared only with the "110302 galapagas truss optimizer" file.... After the galapagos optimizing process I'm trying to export the geometry to GSA for final analysis and thats where exeption occures...

...anyway, sorry about my inaccurate question above- your components work great!! the way, I'm planing a small GH workshop here in Prague, Czech Republic for my friends and Geometry Gym tools will be important part of I hope you'll get some more users of GG in Prague after that event ;)


..thank you!!!



No problems about the questions, I would have preferred to have more in the way of explanations and tips before releasing it but they will come along shortly.  There's lot's of scope for improving, this is only the beginning and the more suggestions/observations from users the better it will be.


Workshop sounds great, I'm happy to help support this (and any others).  









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