
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys, 


So when I tried to open my grasshopper file it gave me this IO message:


Object reference not set to an instant of an object.


Here is the file and the error message. Please help, the definition is due tomorrow.





Views: 2389

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Wesley,


this file contains 4 components that are no part of the standard set:


Analysis Points

DIVA analysis


Solar Vector


I do not have these installed and therefore those 4 components fail to load. If you don't have this component library anymore then you won't be able to open the file correctly. Re-install the library and you should be fine.


The "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." errors, are not a big problem. These errors will disappear once the solution is all hooked up again. They shouldn't have happened to begin with, but they are symptoms, not causes.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

It's DIVA  - I can confirm that the definition opens fine as long as you have DIVA installed.

Hi Andrew,


Out of interest what's DIVA when its at home? I cannot find any mention of it on Food4Rhino or the Add-ins page here.


EDIT: Never mind Google has all the answers.

Hi Danny,


DIVA is a GH plugin by Jeff Niemasz linking it with Radiance.

Radiance is a free daylight analysis software which is known to be more reliable than Ecotect (heard this from an engineer in the field).

It is not an easy plugin as you need a specific grid to output to Radiance, please let me know if you manage to make it work. I ended up exporting manually to radiance during this workshop.


Hope that was more personal than google!




PS: love the Wikipedia on very British expressions!

Thanks Arthur.


I realise that some people are going to be reading these posts after translation and hopefully I can prevent them going mad by way of explanation of certain colloquial phrases and at the same time broaden the horizons of others :)


How can you tell what the missing components are?  This would be super helpful since I seem to get this error a lot when opening scripts... 






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