
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, probably it's really simple request by i'm beginner in vb script.

i'd like to take a poligon explode it in "atomic" line and after take everyone of this line and divide it for the 
number phi  (1,618...)

i've defined every line like item of online class but i can't find any method to reduce only the lenght.


thanks a lot.

Views: 408

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hi Daniel , it's can be simple whith the command the_line.PointAt()
ok, but the_line.pointat() give me an object of on3dpoint.

isn't it? ...
so i can't manage only the lenght i need to manage every x y z ...

probably i've don't understand the right apply of pointat(), but the thing that i'd like to have is something like SCALA to misure k, without the needing to store every coordinates for every point.
dim pt1,pt2 as Point3D
dim the_linetodivide as Line
dim Eval_length as double
'Eval_length= 1 for 100 % of the line
pt2 = the_linetodivide.PointAt(Eval_length)
pt1= the_linetodivide.PointAt(0)
dim the_lineresult as new Line
the_lineresult.From = pt1
the_lineresult.To = pt2

So i'm just a nob too in Vb but with an sub def you can do something i think ^^







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