
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi guys,
is there a way to divide a curved surface in all equal and regular parts?

I've tried to divide it using divide interval and then subsurf(isotrim), but I'm obtaining equal parts just if the surface is flat and straight, once I curve it, the parts are not anymore equal and regular....

thanks a lot!

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reparameterize sets a surface or curve domain to be 0 to 1.

hi! i used that script, its perfect.

but i need a help, i m a beginner here :)) i need to switch orientation of the curves perpendiculary and extract them without the surface to make a wire... is that easily possible? 

thank you a lot!!!


thanks for a replay

unfortuantely o have tested reparametrize before.

it is not working as shown on the image. (or mayby I am doing something wrong?)

I suspect Dawid wrote his part proposition for that problem some time ago because reparametrise is not a solution? 


hey Karol,

that's how I managed to apply the equal divisions to the surface using Isotrim.

The isotrim component needs a domain obtained from the UV coordinates of the division points on the curves.

There's probably an easier and quicker way to do this, but that's what I've managed to do with my Grasshopper knowledge.

I hope it'll help.



Does anyone know why it isn't working on this surface?







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