
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear all,
would it be possible to connect some kind of hardware sliders to Grasshopper?
It would be so cool to adjust several sliders manually and simultaneously (and have the model update in real time of course)!

At Meek FM they've created a hardware device for controlling typographic design and sound (!)

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Can the Korg send and receive OpenSoundControl by itself or through a software controller? Something like Abelton Live could do the trick. Let me know, and I can send you some components to receive the data from the Korg.
Hi Luis,
I'm an "irl" friend of Jero, and the korg controler is mine. It's the Korg microkontrol.
I don't think it sends and receives OSC by itself, but have to check it. I'll see if I can send OSC data by ableton live. In other case I was thinking about using the korg in pure data, then send OSC data to processing, then to grasshopper. But it's a bit technical for me :)
Wich nature are the components you've talked about?

Thanks for your reply :)
Bon jour Luis F!!! (well, we are based in France you know?)

I share this discussion with my "in-real-life-pal" Valkiri, the owner of the KORG-1 and indeed he uses Abelton Live to play muzik. Nowadays were trying to use it to control sliders on GH. As long as we are rookies in this we would love to have your help with those components you mention. In any case thank you for the attention to this.

We are reactive to your news.

Y muchas, muchas gracias.

Jero and Val
Hello fellas,
send an email to gHowlcomponents[at]gmail[dot]com and I will send you the components. From Albelton you can send the osc data directly to GH.

Oxygen+Grasshopper+Processing from Pablo Miranda on Vimeo.

Hi all,

My first approach. Watch it on HD.

proMidi lib (processing) + Oxygen 8 (M-AUDIO) + Quick&Dirt Grasshoper Definition

By the way...I'd gladly test the "gHowl" thing.

That looks so cool!

Hello Pablo,


I've been trying to do exactly what you did, but with an Oxygen 49 keyboard. The thing is my technical knowledge is very limited so I can't get any results...

Can you please help me?


Thanks and great job!



Did anyone try the Korg Nano Kontrol? It's compact and has sliders and knobs only.

I actually just ordered one last week. I'm just finishing up another project, and am then going to get back into gHowl. In addition to tuning up the spreadsheet components, I'll be trying to get some MIDI support in there as well. Hopefully this will pair well with the OSC components that Luis has added recently.
That sounds great! Please let us know how the Nano Kontrol performs when you've got it set up. Thanks!
Damien, David + others

I have no clue how to actually make the connection work, but here are some thoughts on the translation between hardware sliders and values in GH:

I think it would be good to have a component in GH that would represent the actual hardware and have the same number of outputs as there are faders (in the Korg Nano example that would mean nine outputs). Also, it would be nice not to have to worry about Min / Max values and step size outside GH, so that each control would only send a value between 0 and 1 to GH. That way the component that reads from the hardware would stay the same no matter how Min/Max etc is set up in GH.

If the GH sliders could allow for INPUT values they could help set those Min / Max values. (Please see image.)

In other words, you would connect your hardware slider DIRECTLY to a slider in your definition and the hardware slider would OVERRIDE the GH slider.

Does that make sence?

There are a couple issues here, as I currently understand the frameworks that interface between dotNET and MIDI. The main one is that I don't believe that I can query the device itself. I can receive messages when something changes, but AFAIK there's no way for me to figure out the structure of the device itself in regards to sliders, knobs, buttons, etc and I can't figure out what their position is either.

MIDI actually assigns all those knobs & sliders to channels, and that channel information is really what comes through with the message. I believe that most MIDI controllers have some ways to modify what channel is assigned to which physical control (I know the Korg Micro one does).

At least how I'm "envisioning" this thing right now is that there's basically a listener component that will listen to the messages from either all channels (not sure how that data would be structured) or a specified channel. In regards to control messages, those would vary between 0 and 255, so there could also potentially be an input to the component that would remap the value to a different interval. Considering how most people would not really be aware of which control is associated with which channel, there might be some sort of "channel manager" component that would keep a list of what channel have sent messages and which channel sent the last message. Again, I'm just thinking out loud as I haven't gotten a chance to really see what's going on with the framework or device yet.

Another thing to realize is that there are more types of messages that MIDI can receive other than just the ones from knobs and sliders. Although those messages will certainly be my focus, I'd also like to support receiving Note messages as well as Pitch Bend messages. This means that you could also "play" your control on the piano, or even control something by bending notes on a MIDI guitar. I'm not really certain how one would use those kind of messages, but I'm not here to dictate how you use it or what you use it for, just make it possible.

So, to sum up, I doubt I'll be able to "show" much about the device in GH. There also won't be much I can do about accuracy (you're only going to get 256 steps). It could probably be very easy to have domains specified for a given channel. Hope that helps give a little more of a picture of where this thing is at.






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