
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Mostapha,

Thank you very very much -once again- for the explanation.

Few more questions here trying to really understand Ladybug and Honeybee.

I am trying to create a generic template for running all the 3 analysis (attached).

I am not sure what you mean by "gendaylit,gendaymtx", I used the genClimateBasedSky and now all the 3 types are working.

Not sure how I could benefit from the RadiationValues output of the CB sky component. I hope I am not missing any connection there?

I understand that GRD type of analysis provide results only for certain day and time of the year? Is it possible to do the same analysis for a period of time?

Could you please explain why  the annualDaylightSimulation component doesn t have the same 3 types of Simluation? And also seems to be irrelevant of the SkyFile?

Is there any difference between the Ladybug Annual Radiation Analysis (attached) and the Honeybee AnnualDaylight Simmulation?

I highly appreciate any explanation to this long list of questions.

Thanks a lot!


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Hi Dimitris,

These are very good question and I am happy that you are asking them.

I am not sure what you mean by "gendaylit,gendaymtx", I used the genClimateBasedSky and now all the 3 types are working.

I was referring to Radiance commands to generate each of them. gendaylit generates a climate-based sky for a point of time. gendaymtx creates climate-based sky for every hour of the year, and gensky generates standard CIE skies. What you are doing is right.

Not sure how I could benefit from the RadiationValues output of the CB sky component. I hope I am not missing any connection there?

If you use CB sky, to put gridbased analysis together then you can run radiation analysis with Honeybee.

I understand that GRD type of analysis provide results only for certain day and time of the year? Is it possible to do the same analysis for a period of time?

Short answer is yes. If you are looking for radiation analysis then just use CumulativeSky (CM). It let's you generate the sky for an analysisPeriod and so the results will be for an analysis period. For daylighting you can use annual analysis. There is a way to use annual analysis to get the results for radiation which is the answer to your next question

Could you please explain why  the annualDaylightSimulation component doesn t have the same 3 types of Simluation? And also seems to be irrelevant of the SkyFile?

In annual analysis, the sky will be generated during the process using the weather file. I don't know if it is possible to models luminance values but you can switch between illuminance and radiation. Default is illuminance but yo can change it to radiation using DSParameters.

Is there any difference between the Ladybug Annual Radiation Analysis (attached) and the Honeybee AnnualDaylight Simmulation?

Annual radiation in Ladybug returns cumulative incident radiation for each point during the year whereas Honeybee's annual daylight calculates illuminance value for each hour of the year, which can be also used to find the amount of radiation. One difference to keep in mind is that Honeybee considers materials and inter-reflection but Ladybug just calculates incident radiation.

Let me know if you have any other questions,


Hello Mostapha,

Thank you very much again for the replies!

HB and LB certainly brings much closer to architects the understanding of sustainability matters.

I have some more questions in I would highly appreciate any clarification!

So you are saying that using Honeybee I can either get results for Illuminance,Radiation and Luminance for a specific time and date, or get annual results for Illuminance or Radiation. So it is either point in time or annual. I can t set a period? This month to that month etc?

In the _gridSize input of the Ladybug_Radiation_Analysis component, you say "This value should be smaller than the smallest dimension of the test geometry for meaningful results". But what if we want to run it for individual panels (attached)? I set the grid size to something larger than the panels size, in order to just test the center of each panel. Do you think there would be any mistakes with the results there?

If there is no context in the context_ input of the Ladybug_Radiation_Analysis the analysis doesn't run. So I 've been using an insignificant small geometry as fake context to simulate the "no context" situation. Do you see any issues with what I am doing? Have you considered changing the component to run even with no context?

(in previous comment) Regarding the "", and while switching from type 0 to 2 at the GRD, -you are right- the outputs in the component are correct as you have it in the images. But the Analysis type remains as 1 in the "glz_.6_TVis_.4.typ" so the units in the legend read always as wh/m2. Even when changing the target folder. Something maybe with the overwriting the file? (could be at my system but I doubt cause I have admin privileges).

Those few questions for now!

Thanks a lot!



Hi Dimitrios,

So you are saying that using Honeybee I can either get results for Illuminance,Radiation and Luminance for a specific time and date, or get annual results for Illuminance or Radiation. So it is either point in time or annual. I can t set a period? This month to that month etc?

Yes, and no. Yes because you can get that results that you mentioned but no, because if you are running an annual analysis, the study will run for the whole year. You can use the components afterward to read the results for a specific month or each time step, but you can it set it up before hand.

In the _gridSize input of the Ladybug_Radiation_Analysis component, you say "This value should be smaller than the smallest dimension of the test geometry for meaningful results". But what if we want to run it for individual panels (attached)? I set the grid size to something larger than the panels size, in order to just test the center of each panel. Do you think there would be any mistakes with the results there?

As far as the surfaces are not overshadowed it will give you the same results. Your attached example is correct.

If there is no context in the context_ input of the Ladybug_Radiation_Analysis the analysis doesn't run. So I 've been using an insignificant small geometry as fake context to simulate the "no context" situation. Do you see any issues with what I am doing? Have you considered changing the component to run even with no context?

Are you sure about this? The component should run with no context. Can you please check again and send me an example that you can't run the analysis with no context. That can be a bug.

(in previous comment) Regarding the "", and while switching from type 0 to 2 at the GRD, -you are right- the outputs in the component are correct as you have it in the images. But the Analysis type remains as 1 in the "glz_.6_TVis_.4.typ" so the units in the legend read always as wh/m2. Even when changing the target folder. Something maybe with the overwriting the file? (could be at my system but I doubt cause I have admin privileges).

This might be a bug too. I will check this later and let you know. I will also reply to the other discussion later tomorrow. Thanks for bringing up these sort of questions.


Good morning!

1) Understood.

2) That makes sense!

3) You are right. It works fine.Some misunderstanding there from my side.

4) I ll check that again also!

Thanks a lot!

The issue with types should be fixed now! Thanks for reporting.






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