
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I will soon start a project with a friend engineer.

Basicaly I would like to get MIDI infos from a controller to Grasshopper and Ableton(music software)
Then take infos from grasshopper to arduino to control motors and lights.

what do you think is the best way to make the softwares link to the midi controller then to arduino?

I was thinking about Processing, what about Wiring?

If any of you guys did something of this knind, i would be glad to check up your works.

Do you have any advices or tips to have the best (fastest) workflow?

any kind of ressources is welcome.

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You could do it through Firefly or gHowl.

The Firefly solution goes from the arduino straight into grasshopper.

The gHowl solution uses Processing to grab the MIDI and send it to GH.

It really depends how you connect to the midi controller. Why would you use Arduino if your MIDI controller is already connecting straight to your machine? If you make an arduino MIDI controller, then yes, that makes sense. We are working on MIDI input for gHowl, but it will be a bit before its ready.
Hi Luis,
I would like to control simple variables in GHX with my midi controller then take informations from grasshopper to arduino (motors).
and the midi controller would also control a music software through max msp i guess.
so the input would be my controller and arduino+motors would be the output

am i getting this right? could i simply it?
What MIDI messages are you interested in? As Luis said, we've been working on handling direct MIDI messages with gHowl, so there's no need to go through processing as an intermediary. Right now we're receiving control messages (knobs and sliders), which is what I assume you're looking for, but this might also be extended to note messages as well.

As far as your diagram there, I believe both Max/MSP and Ableton should have the ability to receive MIDI messages directly, so there's no reason to send have those MIDI messages go through Processing for your music side either. What you'd be left with would be two independent streams stemming from a single MIDI input. You'd have a gHowl>GH>Arduino path taking care of the geometry and Max/MSP>Ableton handling the music side of things.
Thanks Damien,

i was thinking about processing as a common base because i thought that having 2 different softs directly (max/msp on one side and GHx on the other) would make an unstable workflow, but as this is the first time that i am looking into arduino and midi, i am probably wrong, i just want to get things as stable as possible from the beginning.

the midi input types would be: note to engage actions, and sliders and nobs to make them evolve.
I don't necessarily see having the two paths being separate leading to instability. Where I could see you have a problem would be if there was supposed to be some interaction between the audio processing and the geometry (ie MIDI goes to both gHowl and Max/MSP, each processes something, then a message from Max/MSP gets sent to GH). However, it doesn't sound like that is what you're looking to do, so I think you'll be fine.

Good to know that you're interested in Note events. I imagined somewhat would be interested in them, but I haven't have any direct indication until now. I don't have them working yet, but once I iron out the issues with the control messages (sliders and knobs) those messages should be easier to handle.
thats good news!
I am very busy at work for now, and i guess this project is gonna take a while.
I ll keep you posted soon, thank you for your advices.
so I guess sliders and nobs are better than notes to start

thank you guys






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