
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

using bootcamp- grasshopper with rhino for a mac user- need some details


I'm new to rhino and grasshopper- auditing a class this semester as adjunct faculty- can't use computer lab stations as these are reserved for students so I need to get set up with both programs on my personal computer- a mac book pro.

I have already purchased a mac version of rhino from mcneal (but could return it I think as its still in the box). 

- can I run the current Grasshopper download  for PC on top of the Rhino for mac platform?( and if so do I use bootcamp and a purchase of windows to run the rhino?) 

- or do I need to return my mac version of Rhino and purchase a version of Rhino for PC and run both PC versions of Rhino and Grasshopper on my mac  using bootcamp/windows?

( it may be clear from my questions that I've never used bootcamp before- so any guidance here is helpful)



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GH is a plug-in which runs in the currently active thread of Rhino. Grasshopper is only working with Windows, primarily because it uses .NET frame work which is a Windows/Microsoft O/S frame work not a Mac O/S frame work.

You wont be able to run rhino on the mac o/s with gh as you need rhino running in the windows O/S as it is a plug-in for that version only. The only thing you could do is run parrallels/fusion with the grassshopper/rhino running in the windows O/S and bake teh geometry, save as a .3dm file and possibly then open from teh MAC rhino running in the native O/S along with fusion/parallels/.

Bootcamp only allows you to run Windows programs so you cant run both O/S's at the same time


I run rhino and GH on parallel and it works pretty will just need some ram for big definitions.


Agree, in running with 8 gb minimum using parallels
Seems a bit complicated way of trying to run grasshopper. Since grasshopper is not available for the Mac os system at the moment, you really (I know this is painful for dedicated Mac users) need to just install bootcamp and windows. I have a MacBook pro like you and I use rhino + grasshopper + all the other rhino plugins with no problems using the windows environment. Of course I also venture into the Mac os system albeit occasionally. Some people might argue that this is a waste of a Mac. However once grasshopper and other plugins appear for the Mac then I will switch over.


Hi, I'm goin' to buy a Mac Book Pro 17", but I'm not sure to spent all that euros.
I would be sure that Rhino & GH will work (with bootcamp) very good and easy!


Did you have no problems running Grasshopper using Bootcamp+Rhino?  I'm using a demo version of Rhino 4 with Windows 7 running bootcamp.  I just downloaded Grasshopper and it won't recognize it. 

What is the error message you get

And you have installed vcredist_x86.exe. Make sure you get the correct one from this page

DON'T install either of the 64 bit versions

UPDATE:  that worked.


When I tried it earlier, it didn't I used the other two and they clearly didn't work either.  Upon trying the x86version again it worked just fine.  Thanks for the help.  Crisis averted!

It would appear that the x64 version is needed as well. Most people don't install the x86 version because they think that gh run on win 7 won't need it but gh is actually a 32 bit compiled program. It would also make life easier if they dropped the whole reference to 8086 architecture and just put x32 as the short version of x86-32 like they do for x86-64

that's really interesting, glad i accidentally cycled through all the options.  thanks for your help!






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