Could anyone point me where can i find a list of all available functions(objects) that are used in grasshopper with a small description about how are they used. For example, how do i use the fillet function in VB script?
If your using GH version then the default scripting object use RhinoCommon and you can find documentation for that here.
If you using an earlier version of GH, or just would prefer to use the legacy scripting components, then you can download the documentation for the old .Net SDK from this page.
Unfortunately, there are no fillet functions exposed in either SDK
Thank you both for a quick reply.
I would like a list of all commands that are built in grasshopper script component and are used to perform rhino operations. Such as, for example OnPoint, OnCircle... I think Damien gave me what I was looking for.
Anyway, I'm trying to write a script that would draw cross sections of various steel shapes. It will contain simple drawing methods such as lines and curves. Problem occurred when i tried to fillet two lines with some desired radius. I tried to find a fillet method in .net component but was unsuccessful. I there an alternative for my problem?