Hello all, I´m a mac user and since I have heard there is a Rhino's mac version on the go I would like to know if there is any plan to develop Grasshopper for the mac os version of rhino. If this is possible or is planned to, any idea when it would be available? It would be fantastic. (Sorry about my English)
Thanks and season's greetings from here.
I appreciate the eagerness of you people, but as soon as we have a Mac version it will be posted publicly on this forum (and all other Rhino forums and probably every newsletter we have) for all to download.
We are not working in secret on Grasshopper for Mac, I'm just postponing the work until I'm in Seattle next month and can talk face to face with both the Mac developer (Marlin) and the head of SDK development (Steve).
Hi, I would also like to try the BETA version of Grasshopper for mac OS X. If you have time could you email it to me when its avaiable.
Andrew S.
I would like to try the BETA version of Grasshopper for mac OS X. If you have time and it's avaiable could you send me. Thanks a lot.