
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

An incremental update is available for download from the usual page.

A Zip file without installer is also available.


Changes and additions:

  • The slider popup editor now has fields for Name and Expression.  
  • Digit scrollers now have a text input button for single click text input.  
  • Digit scrollers and Sliders embedded in menus can now be double-clicked for text input (not everywhere yet, I'm working on this).  
  • Text input fields for digit scrollers and slider now have OK and Cancel buttons.  
  • Slider Expressions now use "x" as the expression variable instead of the Slider Name.  


  • Adding and removing objects while large groups were present was slow, this is fixed. 
  • Recursive curve explode didn't work, this is fixed.  
  • Kinks in nurbscurves were sometimes ignored by Curve Explode, this is fixed.  
  • Curve fillets wouldn't work on curve seams, this is fixed.  
  • Expressions could not handle single opening bracket string literals, this is fixed.  
  • Coarse mesh settings preset component didn't work, this is fixed. 
  • Long paths in the Last Ditch Save dialog were sometimes only partially displayed, this is fixed.

This release is a bit pre-mature, but since it contains several important fixes I didn't want to delay any longer.


If you have existing files that contain sliders with expressions, they will most likely generate errors now (unless you named the slider "x"). It should still work, but please update the expressions and replace the slider name with the variable "x" everywhere.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 3087

Replies to This Discussion

Hi David

I was using drag+drop in other computers with Image gallery and it works well, its my computer when I use Drag+Drop and it does not work, but there is not only with this component, I can´t drag+drop a .ghx file in GH or an image or file to rhino...I don´t know if is an error in my computer (whit vista x64) or one option in rhino.
Just upgraded to 8.0007. The very first time using the new slider editor Grasshopper crashed Rhino. I accidentally scrolled the min and max to be the same - zeroing out the range and crashing. Also, when a slider or scroller is dragged to the canvas, the ability to zoom in and out with the mouse scroll wheel is lost until a click is made on the canvas. I'll try to give more constructive feedback on the new slider editor soon, but my initial impression, aside from these bugs, is that the analog scrolling isn't an improvement and actually over-complicates and slows down the domain setting process.

64bit V5 on Win7
can grasshopper work with 64-bit rhino V5 now?
will we meet the new grasshopper which comply with the 64-bit rhino 5? ]
look forward that !

Hi David,


I noticed that the getMinValue and getMaxValue methods for sliders are not there in the new release, have they been replaced by something else?



I've consolidated all the slider code, the GH_NumberSlider object now exposes an instance of GUI.Base.GH_SliderBase which has all the properties that pertain to the slider itself. So:


Dim sld As GH_NumberSlider





and so on and so forth.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

That did it. Thanks a lot!


Tiny question: Since I'm kinda new here and haven't been following, why has the slider set/return type been changed to decimal?


Thanks again.

Decimal is better at maintaining digit fidelity. It was designed for use in monetary applications where one needs to keep track of billions of dollars/euros/yens while keeping the cents in check. Doubles suffer more from 'noise' in the least significant digits.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


First thnx for a new release! It is awesome to find more and more functions! few wishes

1) Can it be done to bake only output geometry whan I bake clusters. And can it be done to post annotations for outputs in the same way we do it for inputs.

2) It will be awesome to upgrade value list slider to represent more than one parameters for each preset. This will give  a possibiliti to make "standart sets" of all parameters in one button... 

Hi Philipp,


2) What would the syntax for this look like? Remember that you can enter any expression, so typing {4, 5, 6} cannot be a valid way to define three numbers as that is the expression for an xyz point.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I meant this like a spreadsheet used for genoform, but written in the slider inside. just several columns in front of preset names - one column for each output.


for now i use several panels + several stream filters + list value slider to do this.






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