
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

An incremental update is available for download from the usual page.

A Zip file without installer is also available.


Changes and additions:

  • The slider popup editor now has fields for Name and Expression.  
  • Digit scrollers now have a text input button for single click text input.  
  • Digit scrollers and Sliders embedded in menus can now be double-clicked for text input (not everywhere yet, I'm working on this).  
  • Text input fields for digit scrollers and slider now have OK and Cancel buttons.  
  • Slider Expressions now use "x" as the expression variable instead of the Slider Name.  


  • Adding and removing objects while large groups were present was slow, this is fixed. 
  • Recursive curve explode didn't work, this is fixed.  
  • Kinks in nurbscurves were sometimes ignored by Curve Explode, this is fixed.  
  • Curve fillets wouldn't work on curve seams, this is fixed.  
  • Expressions could not handle single opening bracket string literals, this is fixed.  
  • Coarse mesh settings preset component didn't work, this is fixed. 
  • Long paths in the Last Ditch Save dialog were sometimes only partially displayed, this is fixed.

This release is a bit pre-mature, but since it contains several important fixes I didn't want to delay any longer.


If you have existing files that contain sliders with expressions, they will most likely generate errors now (unless you named the slider "x"). It should still work, but please update the expressions and replace the slider name with the variable "x" everywhere.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 3092

Replies to This Discussion

Thank you david!

Hi David,

with the newest release i receive following error in the c# Component

it doesn't belong to the code i am typing

Based on the "v4.0.30319" I'm assuming you're loading it in Rhino5? 


I actually haven't been able to load this release in Rhino5 at all so far (March 1st build). I'm looking into it.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David after installing Rhino5 and grasshopper again it is now working normal,.. maybe i called for bug to early .... huge sorry

hi David,

When you make double click in the new component Image gallery, and you open the editor choos the Local Image Data the "drag+drop" don´t work (at least in my computer).

Thanks David

Hi Andrés,


can you post the image you're dragging into the field?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


I try it with various (jpg,png...) but it doesn't work?¡ this is one of the images and the process.

Find the Curve.gha file on your machine and replace it with the one attached. This will print some information in the Rhino command history as you drag the files across the border of the control. Please let me know what it says.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I have proved in grasshopper 0.8.0006 and 0.8.0007.

I send you the history resumen in both versión in Rhino and the error taht appear in 0.8.0006 when i made double click¡ (I supose it will be because is an older versión).

Hi David,

Thank you for the few fixes (especially the explode curve one).


>>   Slider Expressions now use "x" as the expression variable instead of the Slider Name. 

    Was it really a big issue?


>>  It should still work, but please update the expressions and replace the slider name with the variable "x" everywhere.

    This is a big huge issue!  (edit)


BTW reminds me of something. when I started learnig gh I remember I wished for something like persistent data names.

You could call them directly in an expression without the recurent "Where-is-the-right-plug-on-this-10-square-miles-canvas?!?"


But that was just a rookie thought, I'm organized now...  ;)








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