
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,


an incremental update is available. THIS WON'T RUN ON RHINO5 UNTIL THE NEXT R5 WIP GOES OUT!!!!

  • Improved Drag+Drop GUI for gh and ghx files.
  • Added undo recording to Curve Point Component drags.
  • Added Ctrl+Enter and Shift+Enter overloads for setting persistent data via parameter menus.
  • Slider Animations can now be aborted with Escape.
  • Added non-functional Manage-List GUI to the Generic parameter.
  • Added more smarts to the automatic cluster input/output lists.
  • Added Ctrl+W shortcut to Close document menu item.
  • Explode Tree component now uses base-zero numbering in the output.
  • Arc3Pt and ArcSED components now output lines if the input is co-linear.
  • Fixed sticky settings not being recorded when Rhino is shut down while Grasshopper is still running.
  • Fixed a bug with Curve -> Interval auto-casting.
  • Fixed tooltips showing for hidden widgets.
  • Fixed a bug with Cluster output parameter sorting.
  • Boxes would not bake if the axis intervals were reversed, this is fixed.

I'll be travelling for the next week or so, stopping at the Automatic Architecture Event in Delft. 


If you need to revert to Grasshopper 0.8.0003, download the installer here.



David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Views: 4275

Replies to This Discussion

Hi David! I'm reposting some wishes from earlier in this thread. I think they may have coincided with computer loss / Christmas etc.
  • Wish: Nudge active slider with arrow keys (left/right). Shift+Arrows = bigger steps (or maybe up/down arrows?)
  • Wish: I get a little lost in the Graph mappers. Would it be possible to make the "0" line darker?  Ideally also show numbers on the X and Y axes. Thanks!
  • Wish: Polyline option for GraphMapper (with variable number of segments). Also Curve by control points or interpolation could be useful. Thanks!

ThX very much

Hi David

explode curve component:

if two polylines have been joined prior and should than be exploded in it's atomic segments the recursive is not working.I think it is busted,..... I just receive 2 polylines



I'm teaching a class and several students have been having trouble with curves defaulting to being reparameterized.  


If they try and create a sub curve with actual units it doesn't work but instead wants values between 0 and 1 even though the curve has not been set to be reparameterized in any components.  The strange thing is that it's only happening to some people and everyone is using the latest build.


The faulty file is attached.



Hi Scott,


this is a clear case of confusion between length and parameters. The number parameter behind the Move component measures the Length of the curve (why didn't you use a Length component for this and get rid of the ambiguity?)


You then create an interval based on this length {x To L-x} and then feed this interval into the SubCurve component, which requires you specify the subcurve in parameters, not length units.


I don't know why this would work for some students and not others, but it shouldn't work for anyone. 


If you want to cut the ends of a curve, you'll need to do something like this:



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,


I understand the approach you depicted in your image, but I don't think it addresses the issue that I've seen with some students' files.  I can get the Subcurve component to work correctly without going through the Evaluate Length component but when some students constructed that same approach it didn't seem to work. 


After your reply I went back to the previously posted definition and found that the line was being passed into a Line Collection component.  I tried this with a line from Rhino and confirmed that the Line Collection component causes the curve to be reparameterized.

Why does a grasshopper created line or polyline default to normalized units?  I'm guessing that the reason will also explain why the Line Collection component automatically reparameterizes a curve.


(The use of the Number component was for explaining how one data type can be cast into another (curve -> number).  What was the reason for taking this functionality out of the math operators?)




Hi Scott,


the Line parameter is based on the type Rhino.Geometry.Line in our SDK, whereas if you put a Line into the Curve parameter then the underlying type is Rhino.Geometry.LineCurve


Line is a very simple piece of data that implicitly uses the {0;1} domain (just like Circles always use the {0;2×Pi} domain). LineCurve however stores a specific domain value and it allows you to set the domain to whatever you desire. Typically when we (McNeel) add a line to the rhino document, we set the domain to be {0;Length}, because that works best with most curve algorithms. Basically, picking a domain which is roughly analogous with the physical dimensions of an object makes it easier to 'navigate' the parameter space of a curve.


Long story short, Lines as Lines are always {0;1}, Lines as Curves are unpredictable. You should always assume you don't know the domain of a curve unless you specifically reparameterize it yourself or of course unless you measure it.



"What was the reason for taking this functionality out of the math operators?"  

Sorry, what functionality?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


Thanks for the clarification.


The functionality I was talking about was the ability to plug a curve directly into a number input of a math operator component and it would cast the curve to a number.  


Another feature that is no longer available in the math operators is the ability to apply an expression to the input.  



Ah. That is because components like Addition, Multiply etc. now work on a lot of data types. They accept numbers, vectors, points, strings, colours, etc. so it is no longer obvious which conversion should take place when you plug a curve into one of these.


I'll try and get the Expression functionality back into those parameters, but it will take some creative hacking on my part to make it work reliably with all these different data types.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,


Would you add the Graft/Flatten from the context menu to the undo stack, please?

Done. I also forgot to add the new Reverse option to the undo-stack. Three bug fixes in 5 minutes, I think we both deserved a drink. What say you?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

There is also a bug with the gradient component it doesn't show the Flatten/Graft icons on the inputs. (Also Legend component which I mentioned in an earlier message has the same behavior)






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