
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,


an incremental update is available. THIS WON'T RUN ON RHINO5 UNTIL THE NEXT R5 WIP GOES OUT!!!!

  • Improved Drag+Drop GUI for gh and ghx files.
  • Added undo recording to Curve Point Component drags.
  • Added Ctrl+Enter and Shift+Enter overloads for setting persistent data via parameter menus.
  • Slider Animations can now be aborted with Escape.
  • Added non-functional Manage-List GUI to the Generic parameter.
  • Added more smarts to the automatic cluster input/output lists.
  • Added Ctrl+W shortcut to Close document menu item.
  • Explode Tree component now uses base-zero numbering in the output.
  • Arc3Pt and ArcSED components now output lines if the input is co-linear.
  • Fixed sticky settings not being recorded when Rhino is shut down while Grasshopper is still running.
  • Fixed a bug with Curve -> Interval auto-casting.
  • Fixed tooltips showing for hidden widgets.
  • Fixed a bug with Cluster output parameter sorting.
  • Boxes would not bake if the axis intervals were reversed, this is fixed.

I'll be travelling for the next week or so, stopping at the Automatic Architecture Event in Delft. 


If you need to revert to Grasshopper 0.8.0003, download the installer here.



David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Views: 4223

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Avinash,


There is another component in Grasshopper that can do similar things to Orient but with bounding boxes. Box Morph will take your given geometry and morph it to Target Box. Therefore if create twisted boxes based on the normals at the given corner points of your target plane then you can have your geometry follow the surface.

If you use it in conjunction with Liner Pave.3dm from the above post (Reply by Avinash Sharma on January 9, 2011 at 10:04am) it shows Avinash how to take a geometry he has created in Rhino and deform it to a series of twisted boxes along a path on a curved surface using the Box Morph component.

Is anyone else having trouble with this installation?  I installed but my grasshopper is still reading 0.8.0001.


I downloaded from the link above, the file is: grasshopper_wip_20101211.exe





Thanks a lot David,

Would it be possible to add an input to the point list component which would change its display colour?

This would help to have several of them displaying simultaneously?

Happy new year!



PS: might be worth being able to control the display colour of each component?

Hi David,


Would it be difficult to change the wire display at the ouptut of a component?

I ended up with a messy definition and would have to hide the wires at many different component input:


Many thanks,




Hi Arthur,


It would involve a per-wire property, instead of a per parameter property. This is something I'll need to do anyway sooner or later, but it does mean I'm not going to do it half-baked before then.


It is possible to write a VB component that does this (see attached).


Hook up the "param" input to any output/floating parameter whose wires you want to change. Then make sure the hidden flag is set correctly and it should either hide or show all the wires going out of it.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


Thank a lot David!


Sorry what does per-wire and per-parameter mean ?

When opening the ghx I get an error message saying :  "Archive file written with newer version: 0.8.0005" It works very well though !


It would be great if it could also have a "disconnect all" option as well as the hidden one.

I have tried to modify the script to do that but can't find a method related to connection to replace: "recipient.WireDisplay = GH_ParamWireDisplay.hidden".


Thanks again!


Ah, currently wire display types are set inside each Parameter. So when a parameter draws its input wires, it knows how to draw them. However, a wire connects twoparameters, so if they both start to specify properties for the wires connecting them, it becomes unclear which parameter has precedence. 


The solution is to store there properties on the individual wires instead, something which is completely impossible at the moment and will require a rewrite of large portions of the core program.


The warning is merely there because Grasshopper doesn't know whether a future release has a file format that is compatible with itself. So it just informs you that if there is a problem reading the file, it might be because of this version conflict.


Removing wires is a very different operation from setting wire types. It can be done via a Script component as well, but you could also reconnect all wires using Shift+Control+LMB to a dummy parameter, then delete the dummy.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David


there is a problem inside Item Index component !

code seams to be ok, maybe Gh_goo?

Hi to],


Here's the answer you're looking for, but maybe not the answer you wanted:



Yup, not all data is comparable to its own type. Easy enough for numbers and strings and points, but Meshes, Curves and Breps are not trivial. Still, I suppose we would need some sort of equality-comparer in RhinoCommon at some point. I'll see what Steve thinks.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

In an MD-slider: If I set the Y Domain to "3 to 0" it will work only until I close the file. When reopend the domain reads "0 to 3". Not a big issue, but still a bug I guess...






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