
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,


an incremental update is available. THIS WON'T RUN ON RHINO5 UNTIL THE NEXT R5 WIP GOES OUT!!!!

  • Improved Drag+Drop GUI for gh and ghx files.
  • Added undo recording to Curve Point Component drags.
  • Added Ctrl+Enter and Shift+Enter overloads for setting persistent data via parameter menus.
  • Slider Animations can now be aborted with Escape.
  • Added non-functional Manage-List GUI to the Generic parameter.
  • Added more smarts to the automatic cluster input/output lists.
  • Added Ctrl+W shortcut to Close document menu item.
  • Explode Tree component now uses base-zero numbering in the output.
  • Arc3Pt and ArcSED components now output lines if the input is co-linear.
  • Fixed sticky settings not being recorded when Rhino is shut down while Grasshopper is still running.
  • Fixed a bug with Curve -> Interval auto-casting.
  • Fixed tooltips showing for hidden widgets.
  • Fixed a bug with Cluster output parameter sorting.
  • Boxes would not bake if the axis intervals were reversed, this is fixed.

I'll be travelling for the next week or so, stopping at the Automatic Architecture Event in Delft. 


If you need to revert to Grasshopper 0.8.0003, download the installer here.



David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Views: 4281

Replies to This Discussion

exactly what build will this run on?


not on 12-07 i take it?


The very next build of Rhino5 that will go out. It is scheduled for Tuesday evening Pacific time, but we have a history of breaking the build process the day before, so it might be later.



David Rutten

Seattle, WA

thanks David!

Thanks David!

Wish: Nudge active slider with arrow keys (left/right). Shift+Arrows = bigger steps (or maybe up/down arrows?)

thank you very much

can i use Grasshopper 0.8.0004 for rhino 5 64bit??


Thank you!

Thank you very much!

thank you for your work

Hi David, 

I think there is a bug with the Rotate component . I intend to rotate a surface with two angle 0 and pi , I graft the angle input to get two branches, 0.8.0003 would do this job perfectly while 0.8.0004 failed .see below .

Hi David,


Just watched the 'Introduction to Grasshopper' on the Wibinear. Great stuff. I wanted to ask if you could share the 'ShowCase' ghx definition file, which you started off with. That would be great. Thanks and keep up the good work.

Hi David


Thanks for the new build. I'm seeing some flickering in the top left corner of the interface when resizing, no big problem. Am I the only one seing it? I haven't detected it before 08.0004.



Hi David,


There's a small bug in the Tree Explode Component. When you first put the component onto the canvas the numbering is 1 and 2 but if you go to the output manager and don't do anything the numbering changes to 0 and 1.








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