Not sure how difficult this would be, but would it be possible to add a 'Append Items' option into the inputs of components? We have now: set one item, set multiple items, manage collections...could we add one which allows us to grow (and I guess shrink) the items in the collection? This would be helpful when a large number of items is being worked on. Until now when I want to add I just reference the items to their appropriate component and merge them with the other data set, but it would nice if I did not have to do that.
Hi Luis, I agree with you .You know once we del refered point ,they leave null,and we can del these null in the point value manager ,but we cant refer new points . For this reason,I once dreamed we can refer items from within the value managers(like points curves etc) .
Hello Ali,
Sorry if I a mistaken, but how would any of these values be true?
26.7... does not equal 23.5
33.6... does not equal 26.7
23.5... does not equal 33.6
When you sort the values it rearranges the order from smallest to largest...look at that is coming out of the List Item...its not the same as what is coming out of the Crv Length...
Is what I've got in the top of the image what you were expecting? If so is this not just the longest curve, which can be selected from the method at the bottom of the image using the synchronous sort input and reversing the list to get the Z-->A sort.
I ve been getting some bugs with the Point list component.
When changing the S value in the expression editor the text size stays the same...
When using a slider it works though...
Anyone else having this problem or is it my weird computer again?
As far as I can tell this bug has always been there. It's fixed now, thanks :)
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Permalink Reply by to] on October 20, 2010 at 4:05pm
Hi David
found a minor bug with referencing points
if i want to set points and i decide to change from points to coordinates it always aborts
workaround currently is i have to first set one point change there to coordinates