
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear testers,

a minor update to Grasshopper is available for download.

  ● Galapagos can now start a solution from the initial slider layout.
  ● Galapagos can now start a solution from a selected genome.
  ● Added a Mutate override button to the Galapagos solver process.
  ● Added Save, Load and Defaults to the Galapagos settings UI.
  ● Added Curve Extremes component.
  ● Added [Set All Sliders] item to Galapagos Gene input menu.
  ● Added [Set Selected Sliders] item to Galapagos Gene input menu.
  ● Added auto-mutators which are triggered by low bio-diversity.
  ● Added feedback enable/disable button to the Galapagos window to speed up the process.
  ● Added direct colour casts to the Shader type.
  ● Added a Surface Split component.
  ○ Fixed missing undo event for grouping.
  ○ Fixed missing undo event with the slider popup editor.
  ○ Fixed String to Interval conversion not dealing with all formats.
  ○ Fixed chain inversion bug with Catenary component.
  ○ Changed Galapagos controls background and foreground colour defaults.


David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 1310

Replies to This Discussion

The curve is flat in the xy plane. I thought I tried all the other orthographic planes to check but it didn't seem to work for any. I'll give'r another shot (on Monday).
If your curve is in the XY plane following the Y direction, you should use the XZ plane.
I think the extremes points are defined by the normal vector of the plane.
Thinking the same thing I swear I had tried that... Of course now it's working perfectly.

Another false alarm...
thanks for the surface split component, it's exactly what I expected !
hi david.
thanks for the update!
are clusters coming back anytime soon?
Hi David,

I'm having an issue with surface normals not agreeing between rhino and grasshopper. possible bug?
Hi David,

Is the Bounding Box Component broken?

I supply a series of points on a single branch and it gives me a series of boxes, one for each point, where I would expect a single box containing all points.

Best regards,
Hi Danny
components are talking to you so you should check the U input ;)
just kidding so if you want to have one single bounding-box you have to set the U input to true
to force the component to calculate one otherwise you get for all the objects in the list one bounding-box

cheers to]
Cheers to]

rtfm hey!
Hi David
great presentation in vienna ... it was really fun

found some little bugs

List insert component:
if i deliver multiple indices for the item to insert it does only set eh first one right and the component change to red and tells me arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow

point list
if i disable the component the visual feedback is still present

David, are you considering the idea for the future to save the group of component as preset?
A sottware of you competitors ( has something similar, but a little bit more sophisticated, that they call "compound", and it's very useful.
Good works

Hi Paolo,

I've seen some ICE online videos. It does look pretty good. The basic plan is to have clusters operate in this way.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia






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