
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GH 0.7.0030 (June 18th build) is available for download.

You need at least Rhino4 SR8 to run this build.

This build fixes numerous serious bugs in the previous 0.7 release so it is highly recommended for those of you who have already had the nerve to depart from 0.6.X.

One of the fixes affects Cross Reference Data Matching and although it is only supposed to be a fix, please be on the lookout for any unwanted changes.

A new feature available in this build are User Objects. Basically you can store any individual existing object on the canvas (including all settings) as a new Component. This allows you to create parameters with preset data, or Components with preset inputs, or Sliders with Integer accuracy as default, or ready made Script components.

User Objects can be created from the Grasshopper File menu. They can be deleted from the toolbars (each component on the toolbar now has a rudimentary menu), or they can be managed manually. There is a single User Object folder (accessible via the File menu again), so anything placed in here will be loaded.

This is still a very early attempt at making a customizable toolset. The interface and responsiveness of User Objects will improve.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 5313

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Hi David, Thanks a lot for the update.

Something went wrong when I tried to open a definition I did with 6.0059.

Attached the definition and the differences. I've got 6.0059 running on R4 and 7.0030 running on R5m maybe the cause of the eroor.


hi evert:
the problem you have is due to the use of the boundingbox component
the surface you extract gets twisted (i think it is because the BB is flat)

when i decompose a flat BB i get a twisted untrimmed surface (pt: 0,1,3,2 instead of 0,1,2,3)
Hi To]

That's exactly the problem, thanks for your help! I've used a workaround to fix it in the meantime.


Thanks, just fixed this. All flat boxes to Breps would result in such hourglass surfaces.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Awesome release, the possibilities with user objects are really exciting! And I too would love to see this in some way integrated with the possibility of multiple-component user objects. To my mind this would ideally behave like a cluster; this would allow for greater degrees of conceptual abstraction of a process (the ability to "black box" operations), as well as cleaner visual organization of the code. I hope this is a goal down the line, but in the meantime any ability to quickly place groups of components, clustered or not, would be a huge boon.

A minor int slider-specific wishlist item: when I define a user slider (the int slider for instance) it would be great if it would work with the slider=x shortcuts (double clicking the canvas) - as it is now if I double click and type intslider= the right user object comes down but it reverts to floating point values.

Oh and not sure in what version this snuck in but thanks for "draw mesh edges"!

A million thanks for your tireless work David - The most powerful tool in my modeling arsenal continues to improve by leaps and bounds!!
Hello David,
I have run into 3 separate issues which I thought I would list here:

1. Orient seems to be broken in 0.7.0030. Check out these two screenshots. I have a set of planes arrayed vertically based on an input pt. I then use Rotate Plane and feed those into an Orient component. I have a closed curve as the geometry to orient with the area centroid as the base plane for orientation. In 0.6.0059 the closed curves are oriented to the rotated planes vertically. In 0.7.0030 they seem to be arrayed about the origin, with some foul play from the base plane position. I literally copied the point and curve I had drawn in rhino into a new rhino instance running 0.6.0059. I also copied the GH def from 0.7.0030 to the other one running 0.6.0059 and got a totally different (expected) result.

(def attached)
2. mesh face component is broken in 0.7.0030. Same copy/paste test as above.

3. Copying and pasting one addition component in 0.7.0030 results in something being focused on the 0,0 of the canvas causing the canvas view to go there. No addition component is copied. All we get is a fun ride to 0,0. This was noticed when copying and pasting a set of components... I noticed the addition component was not copied. When I tried with one, I found the nice transit to 0,0.

**Clarification. On a clear canvas, place one addition component...give a and b a single numerical input. copy and Paste the component. Select the two components, copy and paste them. Select the THREE (not 4 as there should be) and copy and paste... you will notice that only the original is copied and not the other instances.

There are workarounds for all of those, but they seem to be things that you might want to know about if you did not already know.

Anyways, I am liking the 0.7.x series! There are a few things still keeping me with 0.6.0059 around, but as i use 0.7.x more I am finding these things. First I find them. Then I think, hmm, I must be doing something dumb. Eventually I run into it enough that I think to put it here. These are three things eventually got to me...
One note on the addition...closing and opening file results in errors and missing addition components on reopen.
Thanks Luis,

I'm on it.

David Rutten
Turku, Finland
Fixed all three issues. Thanks again for reporting so thoroughly.
I simply removed the view-adjustment-on-paste entirely. It proved to be merely annoying even when it did what it was supposed to do.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David, Thanks for another great update.
The User Objects are proving really handy.

I've noticed that Box Morph doesn't seem to be working (it just outputs the geometry the same as it came in).
Also, twisted Surface Box seems to have changed so that the corners no longer match up on adjacent subsurfaces -
in 0.6.0059:

in 0.7.0030:

Fixed the surface boxes. I'm still trying to find the Brep-Morph problem, hopefully we'll be able to track it down for the next release.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Ok, we found the Brep-Morph problem. It will be fixed in the next release.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia






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