I followed the same definition as Eren, then I flatten the points into a single list after Sdivide, but I would like to know how to get the old version's repeating 0-1-2-3 sequence in the list instead of 0-nth number in the list, so that I could use the "item" or "cull pattern" to select each of the four points?
Thank you very much for your time again on this newbie question.
you can flatten the output of the SDivide component. Or you could play naughty and create an instance of the old component. Drag+Drop the following text onto the Grasshopper Canvas:
Flattening might not be the desired effect you are looking for if you are using multiple surfaces. As you can see from the image below flattening produces one long list. But the path mapper can get the same results as the old component. Use {A;B;C} --> {A;B} to combine the branches for each surface.
Thank you very much for your clear explanation Danny, I didn't know how to use the path mapper and was stuck for the whole afternoon :( both your method and David's component now work perfectly, cheers! GH rocks!
If like me you need to reference this image and forget where it is then stick "path mapper" into Google images search and you'll get there no problems. I find this the most useful resource and if anyone was compiling a FAQs Discussion this should definitely be included. (along with answering where clusters have gone!)
Try and embrace the new, I'm surprised David sanctioned such a work around. ;-)
When trying to run grasshopper on a different computer to the one I normally use, when I create a new VB scripting component (or load a definition with one in) I get the error messages:
"Error: Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created: System Error &H80131701& (line 0)
Error: Unable to write to output file 'C:\Documents and Settings\paul.jeffries\Local Settings\Temp\303df4f1-651a-478c-a6a3-ef61a1b2a062.pdb': System Error &H80131701& (line 0)"
All the outputs from the script are then Null. As I say it's not my computer so I'm not too sure what might be causing it.
"I removed all of the surplus Microsoft .NET Frameworks that have been placed on my system by varous programs in the past. I am now left with Framework 2.0 and all is well."
It looks like that's probably the problem; they have v1.0.3705, v1.1.4322, v2.0.50727 and v3.0 installed. Unfortunately as I don't have admin rights on their machine I can't uninstall any of them. If I do manage to get rid of them and the problem persists I'll let you know.