I seem to have some problems with the string component. I select "Manage string collection" and then I add some strings. But when I try to rename them Grasshopper and Rhino shuts down.
Today I was thinking of how convenient it would be if the Panel was interactive. So if you have a list of points or lines, you could just klick on it in the Panel to highlight it. That way you could easily see if that's the point your looking for, even if there's hundreds of them.
Thanks first of all for a wonderful product. Just wondering if in the future versions you think it could be possible for the bounding box on the voronoi command to take on other shapes? IE the user draws a poly line for the boundary and then extrudes or what not to create a boundary then you can link back to that boundary rather than being required to use an orthographical object? Still new at this so if there are other ways to do what i'm trying than disregard me by all means.
the info box doesn't appear when you hover the pointer over hooks. or actually, it does appear, but only for a fraction of a second.
this doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen, i have to restart Rhino in order to get it to work properly.
Thank you David! Another great release. I've had a chance to use some of the new features, and they are very nice.
I always have a long wish list, but this time I will keep it short. As you know I teach Grasshopper to graduate students and I keep up with current releases for my seminars. A lot of my wishes from my last wish-list posting still stand, but there are really just a few things that I would really really love to see in the next release, a few simple things that would make GH more consistent and user-friendly:
1) Interactive domain control for Image Mapper and Graph Mapper, like we have for the Gradient Mapper. This would make these tools so much more powerful and quick to use.
2) Visual feedback when an input or output has been modified with a "Flatten", "Reparameterize", or "Expression"... Perhaps a red asterisk by the output to indicate a non-default state, or a different color for each type of modification. I find that my students have a hard time remembering that input behavior can be changed with right-click context menus, especially in the beginning. This GUI feedback would be an excellent reminder for beginners and experts alike that default component behavior has been modified. Doesn't have to be obnoxious, just a subtle visual cue.
3) Reveal wireless connections when corresponding input component is selected. Many times after working on a definition, orphan components get deleted in the clean-up process. Because you can only see wireless connections when the wireless receiver is highlighted, it is too easy to delete legitimate mid-stream components. If you could reveal the wire when either the wireless receiver or the source component is selected, this would be a god-send.
Anyway, keep up the great work. Look forward to all new releases!
Permalink Reply by WT4 on February 2, 2010 at 1:22am
HI David
The remote panel does not seem to work. Although it shows the sliders, I cannot seem to change the values within this panel.
Many thanks
Permalink Reply by to] on February 2, 2010 at 3:05am
hi wt4
remote control is currently not working because it will be rewritten from david
you have to wait for a new release
Permalink Reply by WT4 on February 2, 2010 at 12:14pm