
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is a knee-jerk release to fix two serious crash-bugs and an annoying formatting bug.
EXE Installer
ZIP Installer

Bug Fixes:
- The QuadTree and OcTree components would crash if coincident points were supplied. This is fixed.
- Point and Plane formatting inside Expression component did not work correctly. This is fixed.

New Features:
- OffsetCurveOnSurface component added
- ExtendCurve component added
- PointInsideBrep component added
- Export High-Resolution Image item added to File menu (this is a work in progress)

David Rutten
Robert McNeel & Associates

Views: 4647

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Hi Thomas,

it definitely sounds like a bug, but I don't think it's as simple as that. All components share the same code when it comes to being wiped clean and recomputed. Something more subtle must be busted.

Can you mail me (or upload) a definition which exhibits this problem?

David Rutten
Seattle, WA

This may be that, but I'm not at home and I can't remember what I posted as an example file of the problem (Not the invert problem, but the rebuild problem).

I send you the definition pr. mail.

Hi David -

I have been saving up my most recent bug list and wish list pertaining to R00019, but now I'm teaching a graduate seminar on GH and would like to throw these into the ring in case some of them can be addressed before winter.

. Vector preview is great, but it doesn't refresh (clear) when you disconnect components. You must delete the component or reconnect to refresh the vector previews.
. When passing values through a note pad, note pad fails to update continuously. Moving the notepad updates the display.
. Cannot pass a notepad integer into an fx1
. Point preview in RH5 appears as large red blocks, not as red crosses. (This is an old bug, may have been fixed with RH5 update in the meantime.)
. After adjusting Graph in dialog box, graph appears to be a solid grey object until moved.
. After copying and pasting, a lot of components are broken, return nulls. Requires reconnect to recompute (haven't had this problem in a while, will see if I can find a file that recreates it)
. BIG ONE: Loading a graph mapper with a file not found creates broken file... graph mapper disappears off canvas and the output wire appears turns orange and appears to be coming from the 0,0 pixel of the canvas. This happens any time you try to port a .ghx file to another system with different drive letters/paths, etc.

Wish list:
Mass addition for vectors
Interactive domain control for Image Sampler (like with Gradient Mapper)
Allow Addition Component to handle String values (A + B = AB)
BIG ONE: Request Override for Icon display for Parameters, Wireless receiver, and script components if you change the name
BIG ONE: Add new behavior for Stream Filter and Stream Gate: Allow multiple index numbers. The Index number picks the value/object in the corresponding index position in the selected list.

For instance:

List 0: A, B, C, D, E
List 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
List 2: .1, .2, .3, .4, .5
Index Stream: 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1

Results: A, .2, .3, 4, 5 (This is new behaviour and more useful than Weaving)

I have attached a GHX that includes VB components that do this, but it would be better to have GH components with I/O manager options and data matching behavior, etc.

Marc Syp
Knowlton School of Architecture
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH

I'm not sure if you beat the update deadline...

I think the deuce deuce is about to drop after ACADIA (v0.6.0022 will be released)...

Yep... I just noticed that. Well, hopefully David's already caught a bunch of these issues.
0.60035 or more ;)
Thank you very much for the new beta. The new tree logic components are an outstanding amendment to the data organization hierarchy. Thay are allowing me to do surface panneling on a component scale rather than on a system scale. It is invaluable to be able to sort multable data paths in parallel with the same component, rather than being obligated to process the data in an unmanageable block.

Thank you for your hard work!
Where do I download this new beta
Hi again, is anyone familiar enough with the beta 0.6.0019 design to know that component of my computer is doing all of this parallel number crunching with the tree logic components? It looks like it might be my graphics card because a 'resolve solution' of my GH system can take 10 min, but not use more than 50% of my ram or cpu capacity. I heard that GH processing was funnled through open GL. is this the case?
GH like Rhino does not utilise multiple processors. So you are probably seeing one of your two cores maxed. Don't know about the OpenGL.
Most time in Grasshopper is spend on these items:

1) Meshing preview geometry. This is (at present) an unthreaded process so it will only utilize a single core and while the meshing is in progress everything else is on hold.

2) Generating solution data. Creating BReps, performing boolean operations, computing closest points etc. is not trivial, might take a long time. As in meshing this only utilizes a single core.

3) Drawing preview geometry. This takes far too much time at present, we need to speed it up.

4) Drawing the grasshopper canvas. If you have a massive definition, the refresh rate might drop down to just a few frames per second. I'm working on optimizing this, but it's a slow process.

As Danny pointed out, 50% processor use most likely means one of your cores is maxed out. If you're low on physical memory, then Windows will start paging memory to the disk. If this happens, everything slows down to a crawl.

I don't understand what you mean by "GH processing". You cannot funnel computations through OGL, OGL is an SDK for hardware accelerated drawing. Grasshopper performs all computations on the CPU, not the GPU.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia






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