
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper 0.9.0060 is now available for download. This release attempts to fix a very annoying loading issue involving Recent Files on network drives.

Please note that the Python component probably won't run on this release, there was a breaking change in GH_IO.dll which will probably require a Python update.

You can download the installer from the usual location.

If you cannot run the *.rhi file by double clicking it, rest assured, this is a known bug in Rhino5 SR5. You can fix it by going into the Windows Control Panel and repairing the Rhino5 installation (see below). This will correctly re-associate RHI files with the Rhino Installer Engine.

New features in this release:

  • Added Move To Plane component for putting objects onto a plane (Transform.Euclidean dropdown).

  • Added Box Mapping component for moving geometry from one box into another (Transform.Affine dropdown).

  • Added Rectangle Mapping component for moving geometry from one rectangle into another (Transform.Affine dropdown).

  • Added Triangle Mapping component for moving geometry from one triangle into another (Transform.Affine dropdown).

  • Added (unfinished) Box Slits component for cutting sliding gaps into intersecting boxes (Intersect.Shape dropdown).

  • Added (unfinished) Region Slits component for cutting sliding gaps into intersecting regions (Intersect.Shape dropdown).

Bug fixes in this release:

  • Import Coordinates did not work, this is fixed.

  • Synchronize option on File Path parameter had the wrong icon, this is fixed.

  • Dash Curve would sometimes fail on valid inputs, this is fixed.

  • Autoconversion from surfaces, breps, boxes and meshes to numbers was incorrect, this is fixed.

  • Jump objects always belonged to the same jump group, this is fixed.

  • File data retrieval for MRU GH/GHX files could take a long time over a network, this is fixed.

  • Writing large collections of persistent data to a GH/GHX file would take a long time, this is fixed.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Views: 2909

Replies to This Discussion

Great! Thanks!

Awesome! Thanks for the update, David!

Cant install this version yet, out of curiosity what is the difference between box morph and box map? By description they sound the same. Thanks.

Box Morph morphs geometry into a twisted box. Morphing is a more complicated operation that transforming, and it may add control-points to geometry. Box Mapping can be represented by a 4x4 transformation matrix, which in itself can be part of the algorithm.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hi, David.

GHPython's .ghuser die in this version. But GHPython's .gha can still work, I can't use my new-made ghuser now.

Some plugin made by GHPython such as Ludybug is disabled now.

What happen?

Note the big red bold text in the release notes. The GH_IO file archive has been changed, data is now stored internally in a different fashion that allows much faster lookup of values (and I mean much, writing a file with a lot of data took about 10 minutes before this optimization, now it takes 10 seconds).

I do not know why but the Python component accesses chunks in GH_IO archives by index rather than name. This is no longer possible now. We'll have to release an update for Python.

I would have waited until we managed to fix python, but this release fixes a very serious loading issue that I felt should be made available without delay.

You can always use the previous version in the meantime.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hi David,

While on this topic, is it still Steve who is responsible for the GHPython component? We had a thread over on the discontinued Python forum regarding bugs and wishes for the component, but now it is a bit hard to figure out where to direct any queries on this subject.

Most of the bugs/wishes are also logged on the McNeel Github, however based on this it appears that development has pretty been put on pause at this point. If the Python component needs to be cracked open for repairs anyways, perhaps it would be an opportunity to give it some much needed loving while at it ;)


Edit: Not that I am suggesting that this is at all your job, but you probably talk with the other devs I'm guessing.

It was written by Giulio Piacentino, who left McNeel a while ago. I think Steve has been nominally responsible for the component after that. Luckily Giulio has come back to us a few weeks ago so I think he's back in charge again.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Brilliant, that is great news! Thanks for the update David..

Because you mention, I think "left" is not the right term. I was never IN McNeel. But I'm happy I'll get to look after the ghPython component again.

Fair enough, technically neither am I.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

Hi David,

Is there a way to edit the Grasshopper command to load a prior version of Grasshopper since the recent versions are stored locally at C:\Users\[]\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\Plug-ins\Grasshopper {})?

It would be nice to "toggle" between versions, which was easy enough to do prior to Grasshopper installations becoming *.rhi files.

Otherwise the argument could be made that "toggling" would be pointless since installing one version over the other takes about 5 seconds with the minor inconvenience of restarting Rhino.

Thanks for clarifying.








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