
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Another minor update is available for download from the usual location. This release fixes four bugs and adds one component.

Please see the 0.9.0051 release notes for the really important messages. If you've already installed 0.9.0051 or newer you can just upgrade without problems.

New since 0.9.0052:

  • Added Brep Split component (Intersect.Shape dropdown).

  • 3DM import layer filter did not work, this is fixed.

  • Component Aliases were never loaded, this is fixed.

  • Script components would not work without any RunScript code, this is fixed.

  • Text Format component would skip the first formatting item, this is fixed.




David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 6049

Replies to This Discussion

I LOVE the sliders inheriting the name from the inputs they're connected to...!  Small detail, but just nice!

Thanks,  --Mitch

Hello David,

I don't know if this is the best discussion to post some requests, but maybe you'll think also that this things could be useful as a standard in Grasshopper, because during the last years I always needed them:

1. root as a mathematical operation in the expression editor (here I don't mean square root, which is allredy part of it, I mean the n root (4. root, 5. root, 6. root, etc.))

(I know it is possible to create this using brackets but when you've got a long expression it is sometimes confusing)

2. a hemisphere as a standard solid like the cone or cylinder

3. platonic solids as standard solids

What do you think?



Edit: Oh, and thank you for the .shp import component.

Hello David,

sorry to bother you again.

I just tried the new .shp import component, but it gives me the following error:

Error while parsing ne_10m_land: The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'-Provider is not registered on the local Computer.

I used a .shp file from Natural Earth.

Is this a Bug or do need to change something to make it work?



The SHP importer will need the Microsoft ACE database SDK installed.

This may help:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hello David,

thanks for the fast reply.

I've installed the files (Microsoft Acces Database Engine 2007 and 2010) but it still doesn't work (I still get the same error).

I have Win7 64Bit, Office 2007 and Rhino 5 SR3 64Bit installed on my machine.

Do I need maybe Microsoft Access installed on my computer or Visual Studio to make it work?



I don't have Access installed, and I did have Visual Studio and it didn't work for me in the beginning. I had to get a 64-bit version of the ACE database API. I unfortunately don't remember exactly which file I downloaded and installed now to make it work for me.

But I ask you, what sort of bloody idiot creates a file format that is only parseable if you have a database package installed? That's just stupid.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

True, sorry for my stupid question and thank you for your help.

I've got it now working.

(Just for everyone who has to deal with the same issue:

You need to uninstall Microsoft Office 2007 32Bit and all other Microsoft Office 32Bit packages then install the Microsoft Office - Access Database Engine 2010 64Bit package and after this you can reinstall Microsoft Office 2007 32Bit and all the other 32Bit packages you've uninstalled, otherwise you are not able to install the Microsoft Office - Access Database Engine 2010 64Bit package. (David I think this was my stupid problem because I justed installed all the 32Bit Microsoft Office - Access Database Engine packages because the installers of the 64Bit ones always abort.) Maybe you don't have to deal with this issue when you have a 64Bit Microsoft Office installed on you computer.)



I didn't mean you were stupid. I meant whoever designed the SHP format was stupid. Or maybe whoever wrote the importer C# library was just very lazy, I'm not sure now.

Thanks for posting the solution, maybe you could turn it into an FAQ topic as well? I'm sure more people will have this problem in the future.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I know I also didn't understand it this way.

I've put the solution a minute ago in a FAQ topic.



Edit: To avoid problems like this, would it be possible to add a link to the message ballon or to the component menu which points you to the appropriate website where you can download the missing software?

This is odd...  I know that RhinoTerrain can import .shp files, and I didn't need to install a database...  How does Claude do it?


Maybe he embedded the database api in his executable? Maybe he wrote an importer from scratch? Maybe the problem is not with the SHP file but with the C# library I'm using?

All I know is that almost every single file format you're likely to come across out there is the result of poor planning and bad design. I think I can finally see the point of Xml. If only it was type-safe...


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

If I'm in edit mode of any panel and hit Delete, once i click on the canvas to get out of edit mode, the panel disappears (got deleted?)

Does anyone have the same issue? I don't know if it's just the Keyboard Emulation of Parallels Desktop (FN + Backspace = Delete). But it never happened on earlier versions of GH.








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