
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Note: this used to be the 0.9.0009 download page, but two loading problems were fixed. Since these releases were within hours of each other I decided to not put up an entirely new release page.

An incremental release is available for download. It fixes several bugs reported in the 0.9.0005 & 0.9.0006 versions. To wit:

  • Computer mice with smooth scrolling would not zoom well, this is fixed.
  • Previewable parameters with a lot of consecutive null items would crash, this is fixed.
  • Identical GHA files would collide during the loading process, this is handled.
  • GHA files with identical names would collide during the loading process, this is handled.
  • Solver Undo setting was not persistent, this is fixed.
  • Widget ZUI Zoom setting was not persistent, this is fixed.
  • Markov Widget Corner setting was not persistent, this is fixed.
  • Markov Widget Suggestion Count setting was not persistent, this is fixed.
  • Drag and Drop on Document and Template preview materials wasn't recorded, this is fixed.
  • AssignDataToParameter() COM-Access method was broken, this is fixed.
  • Geometry and Generic parameters with persistent data would not deserialize correctly, this is fixed.
  • Operator shortcuts via the Canvas popup instantiation menu no longer assigned data to the second parameter, this is fixed.
  • Cull Duplicates component did not always show the correct label upon deserialization, this is fixed.
  • Legacy VB/C# components would not correctly deserialize List access on input parameters, this is fixed.
  • Cloud Display component would still display old sprites on disconnect, this is fixed.
  • Minor changes to a document would trigger lengthy preview cache updates, slowing Grasshopper down. This is fixed.
  • Sphere 4Pt did not work correctly, this it fixed.
  • Failed data conversions in parameters would result in missing entries, this is fixed.
  • Text Tag components (2D & 3D) would not bake via the component menu, this is fixed.

There are also some new features:

  • Added Jump object for quickly navigating across a Canvas (Params.Util dropdown).
  • Added Relative Differences component which is basically the inverse of Mass Addition (Math.Operators dropdown).
  • Added tooltip wiggle controls to the Preferences window, Interface section.
  • 'Draw Full Names' now also attempts to change the display of existing components, but only in the active document.
  • Drag+Dropping GHA, GHPY and GHUSER files onto the canvas now puts the original file into the bin.
  • Replaced Set Union component with a new one that has variable input parameters.
  • Replaced Set Intersection component with a new one that has variable input parameters.
  • Replaced And and Ternary And components with a single new one that has variable input parameters.
  • Replaced Or and Ternary Or components with a single new one that has variable input parameters.
  • Replaced Concatenate component with a new one that has variable input parameters.
  • Concatenate component now has a segment join option available via the component menu.
  • Added Digit options to the Transform Matrix Display object.
  • Integer parameters which represent options now have more informative context menus.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 3921

Replies to This Discussion

) thank you David. 

The Jumps are definitely a very good idea!

But, would it be possible to delete both parts when we delete one of the links? It is quite frustrating to search for the second one... all around the canvas... 

Great update! Thank you!


At start I got this message

followed by this one

I have fixed that by removing Goat plug-in v 1.3 (which was giving me warning message each time I was trying to load GH).

Now it works fine.


I have the first window saying about minimal surfaces addon


btw David, // still causes divide component unfortunately(

and relative difference cant converse string to number as many compomponent does

Ugh... // coming up in 0.9.0011

I suppose relative difference should also convert strings to points/vectors if possible. I'll see about adding that in there.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Now I have a new window  conflict and if I open my past files with green points problems (...) the problem continue


Well, those two TSplinesGH.gha files are in two different folders. They are both the same file, so one of them is superfluous and ought to be deleted. I think the one on the right shouldn't be there, as it is in ProgramFiles and it also appears to be much smaller (which usually means it's older).

This is actually an example of this window doing what it's supposed to be doing.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

hello David! at start I got this message 

but I don't know what this message mean

If you have HDT Reference components installed, try updating to the latest release. This is probably the cause of the error. 






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