
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Due to some breaking changes in the Rhino SDK that caused bugs and crashes when running Grasshopper in Rhino5, there is now a quick-fix release available for download.

This release has some stuff that isn't quite finished yet, but I didn't want to wait any longer.

New features:

  • Menu ShortCut preferences now have top-level menu names to the left of the list.
  • Added a Voronoi Cell component (Mesh.Triangulation panel).
  • Added a 3D Voronoi component (Mesh.Triangulation panel).
  • Added a Closest Points component (Vector.Point dropdown).
  • GeometryPipeline object now has a blank type filter by default.
  • Output and Floating parameters now have Disconnect Recipients items in the menu.
  • A default content filter level is now assumed rather than requested.


  • The Tabs would not properly lay-out and sometimes crash, this is fixed.
  • GeometryPipeline object would sometimes recompute from within a solution, this is fixed.
  • Cap Planar Holes component would return null if the brep was already closed, this is fixed.
  • The Null Item component would always return the wrong answer for validity, this is fixed.
  • Due to a Rhino SDK break some serious bugs crept into Grasshopper when running on Rhino5, these should be fixed.
  • Baking list of groups would result in faulty one-directional selection inclusions in Rhino, this is fixed.
  • GeometryPipeline object would ignore hidden objects, this is fixed.
  • Disconnecting parameter sources via the menu would not undo, this is fixed.
  • Pipe would create inside/out breps, this is hopefully fixed.
  • Colour Picker objects would not remember their colour, this is fixed.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 6521

Replies to This Discussion

Hi David,

Two questions:

Is there a Properties window for selected components on the canvas?

(Similar to rhino), which is listing the chosen components for example: 15 points, 25 lines, ....

Then: when component on the canvas are alinged to a staple (vertical and horizontal), I can distribute them again (Mr. sparkle),

but they are still overlapping and again: is it shown somewhere how many and what kind of components

actually are in this staple,








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