
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All,


a new, fairly major, update is now available for download. This release features breaking changes to the Grasshopper SDK and component libraries compiled against older versions may no longer work.


Be aware, this release breaks file-forwards compatibility. You will not be able to open gh and ghx files saved with 0.8.0050 on previous versions, though of course you should be able to open old files without problems. If this is not the case, please yell loudly.


If you're having trouble loading Grasshopper, note that you must have the latest Microsoft C++ Runtimes installed on your machine. They can be downloaded from the microsoft website.


The new release can be downloaded from the usual location.


Here's a list of changes, additions and fixes since 0.8.0013:

  • File format forwards compatibility has been broken. You will not be able to open files saved with 0.8.0050 on earlier versions.
  • This release contains many breaking changes and GHA libraries compiled for older version may not work anymore.
  • Grasshopper Binary files (*.gh) are now saved as compressed data. 
  • Grasshopper Binary files (*.gh) are now the default format.
  • Support for ancient versions of the Text Panel (still called Post-It from back then) has been removed.
  • Support for ancient versions of the Path Mapper (still called Path Lexer from back then) has been removed.
  • Placeholders for ancient versions of the Graph Mapper have been removed.
  • Gradient input parameters now show state tag icons (Reversed, Flatten etc.).
  • Geometry Cache name changes are now updated on every key press.
  • Geometry Cache name changes can now be cancelled with Escape.
  • Geometry Cache name changes can now be undone.
  • Mesh|Mesh intersection component now uses a different algorithm. The old behaviour is still available from the component menu.
  • Warning and Error balloons are now drawn as part of a Canvas Widget and will no longer show up in the Hi-Res image export.
  • Galapagos now accepts multiple fitness values. The true fitness will be the average of the collection.
  • Galapagos wires are drawn much fainter when the Galapagos object is unselected.
  • Medium fast redraw mode in Galapagos now immediately redraws instead of at the end of each generation.
  • Redesigned all Grasshopper file format icons and added larger size icons for high-dpi explorer views.
  • Redesigned the Most Recently Used files menu, it should now display much quicker.
  • Compass widget has been rewritten in an attempt to increase display performance.
  • Added preferences section for Compass widget.
  • Added preferences section for Align widget.
  • Added preferences section for Default Preview colours.
  • Added preferences section for Document Preview colours.
  • Added preferences section for the Most Recently Used files menu.
  • The Area component now accepts Breps, Meshes and Planar Closed Curves.
  • The Area Centroid component now accepts Breps, Meshes and Planar Closed Curves.
  • The Volume component now accepts Breps and Meshes.
  • The Volume Centroid component now accepts Breps and Meshes.
  • Added Merge Faces component (Surface.Util panel).
  • Added a Mesh Smooth component (Mesh.Util panel).
  • Added a Curve Seam component (Curve.Util panel).
  • Added Interpolate Curve With Tangents component (Curve.Spline dropdown).
  • Added GrasshopperFolders command to open Settings, Components and UserObject folders without loading the core plugin.
  • The window that reports on certain Loading Errors now has a Copy button.
  • Added Simplify post-process filter to parameters (in addition to Reverse, Flatten and Graft).
  • Parameter post processes (Reverse, Flatten, Graft & Simplify) can now also be assigned to output parameters.
  • Version History window now has formatting (not happy with this, I'm working on something better).
  • The Process Info window is gone.
  • Main menu has been redesigned.
  • Canvas toolbar has been redesigned.
  • Canvas context menu has been replaced by a Radial Menu.
  • Canvas now has a radial menu which will pop up on Middle Mouse Button clicks.
  • It's possible to switch between Radial and Legacy menus in the Preferences (Interface.Canvas section).
  • 'Save As Copy' feature has been replaced by 'Save Backup' which is a GUI-less save including date+time stamp.
  • Added a 'Show in Folder' item to the File menu.
  • AutoSave settings are no longer available from the File menu, you now need to use the Preferences.
  • Selection shifts now also modify the view so you can use Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right to navigate up and downstream.
  • Mesh Edge display can now be toggled with Ctrl+M.
  • Preview modes now have shortcuts (Ctrl+1 = no preview, Ctrl+2 = wireframe, Ctrl+3 = shaded).
  • Solution States now have a default name.
  • Data Viewer window now responds to all required events.
  • Data Viewer window can now handle input and output parameters as well.
  • Canvas Navigation pane can now be dragged using the icon in the upper left corner.
  • The Persistent Data Editor has been redesigned.
  • It's now possible to select multiple items in the Persistent Data Editor list and edit their properties.
  • It's now possible to drag multiple items at the same time in the Persistent Data Editor list.
  • Item addition to the Persistent Data Editor is much improved.
  • The Persistent Data Editor is now non-modal.
  • The Canvas would remain black upon maximizing the Rhino window, this is fixed.
  • Sliders would cause multiple updates under certain conditions, this is fixed.
  • Digit Scrollers would cause multiple updates under certain conditions, this is fixed.
  • Pipes were inside out. This is fixed.
  • The curve component would not adjust invalid nurbs degrees, this is fixed.
  • Curves referencing Brep edges failed to load, this is fixed.
  • Points referencing Brep edges failed to load, this is fixed.
  • Referenced dlls in the VB/C# components sometimes resulted in invalid imports statements, this is fixed.
  • Pasting geometry in Rhino would cause a recompute of the Grasshopper solution, this is fixed.
  • Importing a file into the Rhino document would cause a recompute of the Grasshopper solution, this is fixed.
  • Galapagos would trigger superfluous solutions, this is fixed.
  • Mesh Solid Difference had a wrong name and description, this is fixed.
  • Several menu items were not greyed out despite not being usable, this is fixed.
  • The position and size of the Grasshopper window failed to get stored on Rhino shutdown, this is fixed.
  • The Persistent Data Editor would crash on parameters that did not support data proxies, this is fixed.


I'll add some additional information regarding some of the new UI features in subsequent posts.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 13947

Replies to This Discussion

Just as a wish,

while working with dinamic things it is ofthen handle to switch boolean toggles off-on-off, (two doble clicks)

Wonder if it is possible to add "bang" mode to boolean switch for this. I mean, in this mode it will switch to true just for one moment.

Hi David,

I've got a message during loading Grasshopper everytime after some crashed couple day ago as shown below;

Would it be any solution to get rid of this message.






Hi James,


CreateSquarePipes is not a native grasshopper component. You will need to contact the developer for an updated version. There were some fundamental changes to the SDK for the latest release which will cause this sort of thing.

This release features breaking changes to the Grasshopper SDK and component libraries compiled against older versions may no longer work.

Hi Danny,


Thank you for your reply. I think I've tried some command from RhinoBIM to make some sort of tube. I will inform them in this regard.




Hi Danny,

I've tried to reinstalled Grasshopper, but the message still keeps on pop up. Do you any advice to stop this pop up?



Run the GrasshopperDeveloperSettings Command in Rhino to see where GH is looking to load component libraries from. You should be able to then navigate to one of these locations and find the offending gha/ghuser to remove. If you still want to use this item in older versions of Grasshopper then you will have to put up with the message for the time being.

Hi Danny,

Thank you for your advice.




Hi community, hi David,


is it just me or is the OffsetCurveOnSurface component still corrupt?

When I enter a negative distance value I would in past have received an offset on the other side of the curve (compared to a positive value). Since GH 0.8.0013 and 0.8.0050 the procedure will fail flop and whooop the component sets it's red lights on.


I recently mentioned the workaround, but will it be back alive on 0.8.0051, David?





I haven't touched it lately, so unless the Rhino core offsetter has been updated recently it'll have the same bugs as before.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

kind of hard to judge, as the OffsetCurveOnSurface command runs rather smoothly in the rhino application... however there you usually use a positive value and choose to flip the offset direction...

thx for the quick response.

I'd have to dig through the Offset command code to see if and how that command uses the Core function. And I find Rhino source code to be on the severely side of unreadable.


Wouldn't be the first time I spend 2 hours looking at C++ magic without gaining one iota of understanding :(



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia



another thing to check:


menu: Solution;
command: Toggle Preview;


keyboard short cut: [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Q]


neither worked for me tonight

(win 7, rh50x64 latest build, gh 0.8.0050)






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