
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,
Let's start with an example:

I have a segment with a lenght that changes overtime moving the cursor on a slider.
I'd like to extract a graph of the lenght variation overtime. For example dividing the slider domain in 10 and recording a point every step of the domain (this way I would have on the X axis the slider values and on the Y the lenght).

Is there a way to achieve this task? or a plug-in that do it automatically?

an example of the graph I would like to get:

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Hi Ricardo,

I am not sure if there is a plug-in that can do this automatically,

If you have a list of the y values (the lengths) at every domain step (the slider values steps) and a list of the x values (slider values steps), you can draw this graph in grasshopper by drawing a list of points in x-y plane having (x = x list of values, y = y list of values, z=0) coordinates, then you can draw a line that interpolate all these points, (similar to what is done in excel graphs).

I hope this is helpful and this is what you want ..


thanks for your suggestion, I attach the file that I just made.
it works fine, (the graph is linear because it's a simple scaling operation on a segment)

what I'd like to improve now is to try to register values overtime not to divide the domain from the beginning, is there a way to keep track of the values that I get moving the slider manually or automatically?


Hi Ricardo,

Ahh I see what you mean,

You can use the "data recorder" component that can be found under parameter tab - Util in gh. A simple example is shown above, at every time you change the slider you can recorder the value.

This is exactly what I needed! Thank you very much!






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