
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I am trying to replicate a curve using the bezier graphmapper (See green curve image below).

It would be great if someone could let me know how to be able to control the radius at the beginning and at the end.

I have attached the gh file.

many thanks for your support.

Views: 407


Replies to This Discussion

Looking for some sort of "Custom Graph_Mapper"?


Hi Hyungsoo Kim,

thank you again for your reply.

the definition is achieving what I need.

However I m a bit struggling to understand what the gene pool component is doing.

the rest makes sense to me.

What you really need to understand is the function of "Interpolate Data" component.

"Genepool" functions just to provide a series of changing numbers, but if the numbers change suddenly, a graph that changes abruptly can be obtained.

If you move the genepool numbers around and choose other options of "Interpolate Data"(which means Block, Linear,Cubic, Catmul)then, you'll know what it looks like.

I also like the  use of the smooth polyline component!!!!

Again thank you for taking the time to explain things and always supporting me!

Got it!!!!

Thank you sooo much.

Really great.






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