
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Just a slight annoyance but I think the zoom scale to which these icons appear / disappear is a little off, like a wheel spin or two off, I keep forgetting i have things grafted ect. Any one else feel this way? Thanks

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I'm also not at all sure that GDI can anti-alias quite as well as XaraX or Illustrator. 


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

How about providing 2 bitmaps for each component ? 24x24 for panel icons and 48*48 (or larger) for drawing component icon on canvas...

48x48 isn't going to get you very far. It will only be crisp when zooming in at exactly 200%. If 200% were a common zoom factor it might make sense, but it isn't, and thus it doesn't.

If you want crisp icons at loads and loads of different zoom levels, vectors are pretty much the only solution. This will be a major project if and when I get around to it. Which is in al likelihood not any time soon.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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