
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Gradient triangulation pattern on triangle surface


I am a newbie on grasshopper and i would like to do the kind of pattern here attached, with adjustable gradient possibility.

I need to do this on a triangle surface with borders.

Can you help me please?


Views: 4796


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Always good to put source of the image

The idea here is to rotate and scale triangles depending on a pixel brightness
The scale is depending on the angle of rotation. It could surely be translated in 3D.

You right ;)

But how can i do this in grasshopper?

What is for your a triangle surface, a mesh with triangles or a real triangle ?

What do you want attractor or greyscale image ?

Here a simple script with quad but it must work on triangles

I change image domain to -10 to 10 instead of 0 to 1, to fit domain of mesh. Play with the slider. 


You can see my 3d file here attached, the blue faces in render mode are the ones i want to use.

I prefer attractor but thanks for the one with greyscale image, it could be usefull too.


Here is a script which takes attractors but just one surface. I made triangles with subdivision on the triangle surface. 

There are others ways to make attractor, a graph mapper could also be added to tune well the transitions, which are linear between max and min distances here. 


Do you know how to make black square (or triangle like i want) as holes in a surface?

Because i don't know how to do it.

Take my file if you can.



Check attached as well.

It would be the last time that I could give my two cents on that your homework.


And get this as well.


Thanks Kim, I discover the copy trim, rediscover pull point ... Triming is not something I use a lot ! 

Your welcome, Laurent.

Nothing compared to the benefits received from you.






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