
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everyone, 

I am very new to grasshopper and I have been scourging the forums and tutorials about this topic. I found some very relative topics in relation to gradients and at tractors, but I need help simplifying the definition and process. 

This is what I am trying to do:


  1. I want the surface/mesh to be composed of individual specific point locations.
  2. Each point has a unique input value (visitor rates, which I have calculated, I also have an excel spread sheet of all this data).
  3. Each value controls the intensity or spread of the gradient inside the mesh/surface.
  4. I would like to bake the mesh with their true gradient colors. 
  5. I am attaching an elementary grasshopper definition, and rhino file. Some of the definitions I am using, I still do not understand their full potential.  I understand that the surface needs to be a mesh in order to bake the gradient properly. 

Any and all help is deeply appreciated! 

Views: 6624

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I'm not sure this is what you want. Have a look at the attached screencaps.

I can't downgrade mine.


Check attached. Your rhino file unit has been set to ''mm", so, your numbers are too large to calculate. Graphmapper can reduce output numbers proportionally and also modify and cutoff distance data according to the graph shape and range.


If you changed your file unit, you should change all Gh parameters accordingly.


This method seems to be better suited to you.


Well.., You can add graphmapper function if you want, anyway.


So you'll need to assign mesh vertex colours based on your data, there will persist when baked. The only way to assign colours to different parts of a surface is to use a Texture, and GH does not have any tools for creating images or display materials with textures. Meshes can have individual colours per vertex, but that does mean you need to create a mesh dense enough to show your gradients. 

The files you posted do something, and I'm not sure what it is about it you don't like. I adjusted the Meshing settings in your file to give you a denser mesh, it shows the gradients better.


Also you'll have a hard time communicating files with other people since your version is so old. A lot of components that might solve problems you have did not yet exist back in the Rhino4 SR8 days.






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