
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am planning to go to grad school to get Master of Science in Architecture with an emphasis in computational design methods.  I have a Bachelor of Architecture.  I am wanting to go Europe where it seems algorithmic design is more welcome.  I am considering the AA in London, Bartlet in London, and Stuttgart.  Are there other English speaking schools in Europe at a very high level in computational design methods? Which schools are best?  

Thanks for any suggestions or advise.

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I think I understand you. Although the situation is a bit different here - our education is free, so you can't get much of money by "holding" a university institution. Some private universities emerged in the last couple of years, but still the state run ones are holding the ground as better than these.

A professor is a person who has to have a Phd, a "doctoral degree" as it is called here. So it's probably more of a prestige thing.


But I understand what you said, as I heard that in USA and AU, university fees can be a couple of thousands of dollars per year, which certainly makes it a huge business.

Since your medium seems to be metal, perhaps it's good to cross reference the resources at the institution to do such work.  You'd be surprised at the lack of decent metal shops in schools.  Balance the cool new toys (read Kuka, ABB, etc) with the capabilities of well stocked workshop.  ITU has produced some interesting pavilion work in the last few years.  Seems you are already looking towards that.

Great info.  I did not know of ITU.  I will check it out.

Thanks Luis


OOPS...I meant ICD

hello stan. i would seriously consider stuttgart. there is not only the ICD and the ILEK (former IL) at the Uni Stuttgart but also a class for "digital design" at the Art Acadamy Stuttgart lead by Tobias Wallisser. they have a cooperation so you could study on both like i did. both have really good workshop facility and infrastructure. maybe you will be not so much held by the hand like in the AA for example - but hy - it cost nearly 100 times less (no joke). in addition to that the city is so boring that you can really concentrate on studying.. if you have questions fell free to contact.

Thanks Christian,

I want to contact you to get more specific information. Nothing better than 1st hand knowledge.


Stuttgart is not boring ....ok it divides in lovers and haters (maybe more than other cities)... I am a Stuttgart lover :-)


Behnisch architects

Werner Sobek

Schlaich Bergmann



HG Merz

MGF architects

Frei Otto





personelly I am not a fan of Walliser and Lava. But I respect their work.

Best Regards

a Stuttgarter

... and "stuttgarter" are very friendly people.

every weekend they polish their pedestrian personally.

p.s. he, MGF architects is not so bad! ;)

häuslebauer halt... :-)

MGF has made some nice wooden architecture.

häuslebauer and "kindergardner". ;)

Glad to hear another view point.






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