
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All

I was wondering, and decided to share, the possibilities of using GH for Vj session, realtime (preview mode). I've seen (or my mind created that image) connection between v4 (vvvv) and GH, you may ask ¿why to use GH if you have v4? There is a reason, trust me (lol).

Just wanted to know your opinion, and a bit more about GH related to frame-rate and realtime stuff


(UDP, Firefly, OSC... sound familiar to me, but have no real practice with them)

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Haha, was wondering if anyone was going to try this.
Should be fun.
Re realtime audio reactive stuff - I had a little play a while ago with Grasshopper + gHowl + Processing + Minim + Kangaroo, which seemed a reasonably comfortable combination :
Framerate could be better but it's not too bad (slightly better than you see here due to the overhead of video capture).
and I'm curious what you have in mind and why you want to use gh?
Will you be doing livecoding ? I saw a hilarious and inspiring performance by slub a few years ago, and can imagine gh maybe working for something along those lines.
We (CoDA) have been teaching one subject at the university about geometry, optimization, fabrication and stuff like that, and we used GH as "parametric/generative" tool.

On friday we have the "sorts day" at the university, but at the end is more a party day. I have some friends that will Dj on stage, and I thought would be fun to use Gh as Vj tool fo the students who I've been teaching GH... Kind of a fun nightmare for drunk students, or tricky joke for the sober ones.

I'll do some tests soon, I'll post results... (not sure I'll have that time to do something cool to post, but if there's, I'll leave it here)

Thanks fopr the feedback, lots of aplications wired, I'll try how fast can be the link between vvvv and GH (suggestions admited, and very welcomed)







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