
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey there-

I had heard a rumor that GH was originally developed as a teaching tool to show how information flowed through commands... is this true?  I'm writing on GH as a teaching tool and I'd love to be able to refer to this... if it's true... 



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Hi Alex,

that is not true. GH was developed for Rhino costumers as a way to automate tasks without the need to write textual code. We expected that some of our users who were interested in RhinoScript or C# or VB.NET would be interested, but we certainly didn't think that it would be taught (at gunpoint apparently in some universities) to the masses.

Originally the product was called Explicit History*, because it was a different approach to Rhino's native (implicit) history feature. Rhino history is recorded while you model and can then be played back, Grasshopper history is defined from scratch while the model is created as an afterthought.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

* Well, at first it was called 'Semantic Modeling', but that never even made it out of the building.






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