
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

GH python error Oasys GSA API: Could not convert argument 1 for call

Hi everybody,

I am starting to work with grasshopper python component to send information to analysis software and to get back results.

The sending and analysing works well. The problems come when I try to get the output. In this case the output needs to be set before requesting for it. I am doing it with this call:

ret = gsaobj.Output_Init_Arr(1,"Global","A1",14003001,3)

In API help the call is documented like this:

short Output_Init_Arr (long iFlags, string sAxis, string sCase, enum ResHeader header, long num1dpos)

so this call has 5 arguments (long, string, string, long, long) (the enums are defined as longs)

This call works, because when I print the ret, i get 0 that is "succeded" so everything works so far.

Then I request the output with the following:

results = [] 

ret = gsaobj.Output_Extract_Arr(10,results,numcomponents)

In API help the call is documented like this:

short Output_Extract_Arr(long iRef, SAFEARRAY(struct GsaResults)*arrayResults, long* numComponents)

I am getting the error "

Runtime error (ArgumentException): Could not convert argument 1 for call to Output_Extract_Arr."

So it seems that is not accepting 10 as a long in the beginning (assuming that argument 1 is the first). I already tried passing a variable as long, using long(10) there, nothing works.

Furthermore I don't know if the other two variables are correct like that. I come from VBA where I need to declare everything but AFAIK python is more permissive in this sense. "results" should be a dynamic array of objects and "numcomponents" a long.

Any help would be appreciated! 

Thanks! :)

Views: 526

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Stefano

I think argument 1 might actually be the SAFEARRAY(struct GsaResults)*.

It would help if you had an example of a working call in IronPython or any other .Net language. That way, I could possibly think of a parallel Python solution.

Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Hi Giulio,

thanks for your reply.

In the end I wrote the whole code using VB scripting component and it works flawlessly.

What I am using is the following:

Dim ResultArray() As interop.gsa_8_7.GsaResults: resultarray = Nothing
Dim NumComponents As Long

ret = GSA.Output_Extract_Arr(10, ResultArray, NumComponents)

These API calls might be a bit "strict" for object types. I don't know exactly How python works, but I would prefer passing to functions objects of a known type. Is this possible?

Thanks again!

C# and Vb.Net are types languages, while Python is dynamic, so you don't specify types. However, it looks like possibly ResultArray could be specified as ResultArray = None in Python. That is how you are declaring it in Vb.Net.






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