
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I took Advanced Parametric Design and Generative Modelling as an elective last Winter, since then, we were encouraged to self- research and self-learn more definitions. 

The thing about self-learning is that it is similar to sending you out into the wild- you get lost sometimes. I have gone thru reading 2 references (GH Primer and Generative Algorithms books) and a few web tutorials,I need suggestions on the sequence of learning GH:

When is it time to learn Rabbit, Kangaroo and Galapagos?

With infinite number of definitions out there, do I need to learn everything? or do I need to learn on a need-to-know basis?

I am an architect and have a newfound interest in Bio design and mimicry. 

Thanks in advance

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Sad to say (good for you) there are no infinite number of definitions ;) Actually what you can see here is mostly repeated in different manners (not all of the time, but really "new stuff" is delivered not so often). If your objective is to learn software, than just look at this forum, help people to defend their problems, search through past discussions and  complete some tutorials (I like digitial toolbox tutorials) etc.


If you want to know why this software is like it is, you have to go deeper, which is really cool actually.

You can read some academical papers, find some really smart blogs (e.g. David's about genetic algorythms/and cooking ;)/, nervous system for really advanced stuff/explained clearly/), (highly controversial words approaching) learn some scripting basics to fully understand   what youre looking at.


Most common subjects on forum, which can be investigated really deep :

chemical reactions, voronoi/delaunay diagrams, circle/sphere packing, tilings, subdivisions, panelling, genetic algorythms, branching systems, cellular automata, agent based modelling...


so if you say " I have a newfound interest in Bio design and mimicry. " , you have to think about all the stuff which I wrote above :)  And I highly recommend it.

EDIT : "When is it time to learn Rabbit, Kangaroo and Galapagos?" - always, there is no such thing like learning continuum in grasshopper (like in some software). Just be sure to check twice what you want to do, and what comes out from this outstanding software. 

Thanks for the enlightenment, I shall look at those of what you suggested and do further research. I really believe GH easily edges out other programs in terms of form-finding.. 






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