
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, i just wonder what is that plugin or component that can store the definition inside an component as the picture below. 

i just crossed by Gh Brick Box component created by Daniel González Abalde and its looks great, but i still i would like to know what is this plugin or a component as the picture below

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i didn't know about the Brick Box plugin... but the generic/default way of creating custom components is called "Cluster". Then you can choose a custom icon and create an user object from the cluster (custom component on toolbar).

Thanks Bro

The screen shot you've posted shows a snippet, as created by my Metahopper plugin - it's a lot like a user object cluster, except it can contain multiple components. Daniel's Brick box uses a similar mechanism. 

Thanks Andrew its so Great Tool. its so helpful to shortcut the regular stuff.

Many Thanks again.






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