algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Owkey, this started out as a, for me, simple vb exercise. I have a simple problem.
2 breps intersecting, I want to know the volume of the intersection.
So I opened the RhinoCommon page and started combining things. This is where it went wrong...
So far I got:
Private Sub RunScript(ByVal cone As Brep, ByVal centerpoint As Point3d, ByVal points As Point3d, ByVal boundingbox As Brep, ByRef A As Object)
'move the cone to the point locationcone.Translate(points - centerpoint)
' get the intersection
Dim result As brep() = rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreateBooleanIntersection(cone, boundingbox, 0.001)
'get the volume of the intersectionDim volume As Double = rhino.geometry.VolumeMassProperties.Compute(result(0))
A = volume
End Sub
Both the intersection as the volumeMass give me errors.
Any suggestions?
Hi Sander,
Brep.CreateBooleanIntersection() operates on collections of Breps, not individual breps. I'm assuming you get the following error:
error: Unable to cast object of type 'Rhino.Geometry.Brep' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Rhino.Geometry.Brep]'. (line: 86)
This basically translates to: "I wanted a collection of Breps and you've given me a single brep". You'll need to put your cone and boundingbox into a collection. Easiest is to make an inline array:
Dim result As Brep() = Brep.CreateBooleanIntersection( _
New Brep() {cone}, _
New Brep() {boundingbox}, _
I concur it should probably work on individual breps as well, I'll add those overloads to RhinoCommon.
Dim volume As Double = rhino.geometry.VolumeMassProperties.Compute(result(0))
This is wrong. VolumeMassProperties.Compute() does not return a single number. It returns a new instance of the VolumeMassProperties class, which contains the volume, but also the error, the centroids, the moments of inertia and so on and so forth.
Dim vp As VolumeMassProperties = VolumeMassProperties.Compute(result(0))
A = vp.Volume
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Ahh now its finally getting to me. Still trying to figure out how to interpret and apply the Rhino.Common tools. Thanks for the quick response.
Now I only need to figure out a way to do this for 1000+ objects without waiting too long :) Lets see what the rhino.common has to offer.
Hmm just when I thought I had it... I lost it again...
Now the issue is with the brep.closestPoint
Dim result As New list (Of Boolean)
Dim check As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 0 To points.Count() - 1
check = False
For k As Integer = 0 To objs.Count() - 1
Dim closestPt As point3d = Nothing
Dim ci As ComponentIndex = Nothing
Dim s As Double = Nothing
Dim t As Double = Nothing
Dim normal As Vector3d = Nothing
If (objs(k).ClosestPoint(points(i), closestPoint, ci, s, t, maxDistance, normal)) Then
check = True
Exit For
End If
A = result
The result is : "Error: 'closestPoint' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. (line 104)"
What does this mean?
closestPoint vs. closestPt. You need to use the same name when declaring and using a variable :)
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
argh... feeling like your avatar now...
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