
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there any way for the geometry pipeline to work with nested layers in rhino? I've got a series of sub-layers nested in a single parent for organizational purposes and I was hoping not to have to move the layers out of their parent every time I want to manipulate the geometry in those layers using GH.

I've tried using every combination of "Default::*" that I can think of, but nothing works.

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How about Layer*

You genius! So my example was generic, and apparently a bad one. My actual layer structure is more like this:


0100 - Public Spaces

0200 - Back of House

0300 - Education Space


But you are entirely right...I just set up my wildcards to be '#### *' and everything works out fine. I was hoping there would be a way to grab every surface from the PROGRAM parent folder without having to specify the sub-folders; in case of a scenario where sub-folders aren't perfectly named. But this way will be fine, and force me to better manage my files.


If you use the dynamic pipeline in the human plug-in and set it to "full paths" access, you can specify layer names with nested syntax and wildcards - so "PROGRAM::*" will give you geometry on any sublayer of PROGRAM. 

Is there a way to do this within the Python editor?  I'd like to be able to set a formatted layer structure as the starting argument, but haven't had any luck.  Something like this:


where "Layer_Name" contains a sublayer: RhinoToRevit::Roofs::Roof_Type2

Can you do this?


took me ages to find the answer !!! the dynamic pipeline is amazing. 

can someone please help (i think the general forum can benefit) with : what are all the wild cards?


How can I select all the sublayers of a sublayer?






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