Hi, I didnot use the Geometry very much .Someone would like to tell sth. about this Param ? I am really confused now for I cant tell any difference betweem Geometry and Brep !Need some clarification now~~
By the way , I find there is a spelling mistake inside the Retrim component help file.I think David probably intend to type a "surface" instead of a "distance".See below picture:
If you look at p.121 of Grasshopper Primer Second Edition, you can find OpenNURBS objects hierarchy section. OnObject (all Rhino classes are derived from OnObject), OnGeometry (class is derived from or inherits OnObject) and here is OnBrep. :)
Thanks for your quick reply ,morph.
Now I have realized I didnot pay enough attention to the last part of the great book .And of course I know you want me to look at P.127 indeed,thanks again.