algorithmic modeling for Rhino
here is a python script that export vertex and attributes to GEOJSON format.
GEOJSON_export: A Plugin that export surfaces and its attributes to a GEOJSON file
Need It must be in your script's folder
by Karim Bahgat
use something like :
Copyright (c) 2015, Guillaume Meunier <>
GEOJSON_export is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GEOJSON_export is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
GNU General Public License a href=">">>.
@license GPL-3.0+ a href=">">>
path: path where to export
filename: filename of your JSON without its extension (GEOJSON added)
using_keys: which key attributes to export, 'id' by default
s_names: values of 'id' key
s_keys: normally each surfaces user attributes' keys
s_values: normally each surfaces user attributes' values
s_vertex: vertex of each surfaces
run: do the export
out: various information
coordiantes: coordinates in JSON format
properties: properties in JSON format
VER 1.3
few bugfixes
VER 1.2
create multipolygon (with holes and multiple objects)
VER 1.1
resolved problem with geometry check in qgis by closing completely polygon
VER 1.0
In Extra category
code is here :
Hi Guillaume,
this is nice! It could go to the 'Sample and example files' section of the site.
You can move that yourself, if you want.
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates
thanks and done
updated version 1.1 that resolved problem with geometry check in qgis by closing completely polygon
updated to version 1.2 that now export all sorts of polygon, even multipolygon (polygon with hole or separated polygon)
Dear Guillaume,
thanks for providing this script! That's exactly what I was looking for.
Could you also upload the .gh file to understand better how you provide the input data?
Best regards
my GH file is a kind of a mess. The last script you see on the screenshot is a simple VB script that concat 2 trees.
Basically the script divide objects between geometries with or without holes (CapEx function)
if without, it only project coordinates using gHowl and Mosquito
if with, the main objective is to separate outer and inner edges then insert "inner, inner" and re-merge
Dear Guillaume,
many thanks for your reply. This helps a lot.
Am I right, that the GeoJSON export works only if I provide Attributes and Keys as string per surface? I tried to use only a tree of vertexes as shown in your figure, but this is obviously not sufficient... so I need to create the corresponding strings, too?
Best regards
on my gist i add a bugfixe (version 1.3)
now you can use it without key and value but you still need names
i'll change files here this week
Updated version 1.3
2 bugfixes :
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