
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,

I've been playing around with Grasshopper and Genoform and I've made this simple Bauhaus footstool definition. Do you think the genetic variances are significant enough?



At the moment Genoform is altering the Height of the seat, the width, depth, and the width and depth of the leg frame.

What do you think?

Views: 1306

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well done! id love to see your definition

Really, the main focus of the deffinition is to get genoform produce the different generations, instead of the chair moddeling process.


This is an example file supplied with Genoform, I've made it spawn the generations onto a grid =D

interesting work!

did you publish this work,
so to learn more about it?

or you can make a book recommendation on the topic:
"generative desing", "generative form"...
especially about newer publication?



I found something interesting:

i'm still looking forward to your recommendation.

Hey RNWB, I've bee using Genoform to make this stuff.

I think the website is

Most of the publications I've seen aren't about how to do this, its more on the philosophy, so yes, there is architecture of emergence, also look into Manuel DeLanda, he has a lot of writings on Morphogenetics and ermergence, along with books and what not, he has some lectures on youtube as well.

Its not hard to make these generative models in Grasshopper, all you have to do is make a grasshopper model that can be controlled with slider bars, then just replace the slider bars with the genoform template.

dear andrew,

like the most grasshopper user, i have also a grasshopper vase def. (:
i will try to connect my definition to genoform.
i like it and hoppe of multitude results.



Incidentally, yesterday i was able to see the tutorial movies,
but today i can only see this text lines:

Getting Started – create and generate a vase
Tips and Tricks – learn more?

the films were more interesting!



I went on there just then, and the videos are there?

These are the videos I used to make the vase infinity image, except I used more than one input into the genoform input, which gave me more than one vase at the end =D

The videos are there... if not, I think they are on youtube.

Very Cool. Thanks! 


Genoform Hexagon Attractors
View more presentations from sephbin.

I've made this hexagonal grid with 4 attractors, the attractors positions, and strengths and whether or not they are pulling or pushing are put into Genoform. Here are 55 different versions I got. The first one is the Genoform setup parameters, which is why its completely inverted.






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