
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Have any advice / suggestions?

I'm looking to produce a Karakusa pattern eg.

My goal is to create a facade system / panels. I imagine the pattern to be fairly regularized in order to correspond with floor heights / structure.

One initial thought is to create subsurfaces (isotrim) from a vertical face of the building and use a cellular automata-esque approach...I imagine starting with one sub surface or a row of subsufaces at 'ground level' to do operations on (described in PDF I attached). I would then move up row by row, repeating the operations (anemone loop?)

The second approach is a Diffusion Limited Aggregation? as in the video above?

Any pointers would help


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thank you sir!

Hi. You might want to see "this".

thank you HK

I managed to put together a script that generates a branching karakusa pattern It doesn't quite work and my heads been spinning for a days trying to figure it out.

Its pretty simple:

1. four initial spirals are created.

2. the script orients / rotate spirals on top of one another.

can anyone help me trouble shoot this? suggestions?







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