
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, thanks for this great plugin.

I've used this successfully in the past, but the last few days I keep getting an error message when using the generate terrain component, source 2 still works, but 0 and 1 give this error.:

1. This component requires topography data to be downloaded from as a prerequisite for creating a terrain. It has just failed to do that. Try the following two fixes:

1) Sometimes due to large number of requests, the component fails to download the topography data even if website and their services are up and running.
In this case, wait a couple of seconds and try reruning the component.

2) website could be up and running, but their terrain service (RESTful Web service) may be down (this already happened before).
Try again in a couple of hours.

If each of two mentioned advices fails, open a new topic about this issue on:

As far as I i'm aware I haven't changed anything that would stop this working.

Is this working for anyone at the moment? Or any ideas how to fix it?

Thanks in advance


Views: 251

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Glen,

All three "source_" inputs of the Terrain Generator component are still valid and working.
Can you attach your .gh file please?

Hi, thanks for looking at this, here is the file.


Hi Glen,
I defined a locationName_, and now both source_=0 (SRTMGL1) and source_=1 (AW3D30) are working:

It is always advisable to have something as locationName_.
I deleted the "Location to XY" component, in order to set the terrain around 0,0,0 point origin, but this was not the reason why terrain was not being generated.


Thanks again, this is working for me now, but only in Rhino 6. Rhino 5 gives the same error as before.

I can use 6 it's all good! Cheers.

Hi Glen,
I just tried it on Rhino 5 SR12 64-bit, and both sources are working: source_=0 (SRTMGL1) and source_=1 (AW3D30).





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