
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Generate offset curves that Avoid Intersection between obstacle curves

Dear everyone,

I am  very new to Grasshopper and I m trying to learn it through using it. 

I am currently looking at generating a curve without touching any other obstacle curves and got stuck.

The idea of this GH is to generate a curves that within the red/cyan line and the obstacles lines without touching any line but still closest to the original curve (in green). i.e. the photo below in this case is between the small circles and the red line as the cyan line is further away.

I have an attempt in selecting with line out of cyan and red to get the inner boundary.  However, I have no idea in how to automate generate curves in between these obstacles and test it rather than manually using number slider. 

After getting curves that not touching any obstacle, my logic is to select the one which is closest to the original line.

I have been looking at Galapagos but not sure it is the way to auto generate offset curves...

I have attached the files of 3dm and GH...

I hope someone can really give me some hints in achieving so or get me started... 

I m so sorry that the GH I attempt is missing some important part.. but I really dont have any one to ask and I dont even know what to start search with.... 

Thank you so much in advance if you guys can give me some help....

Best regards,



Views: 698


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Something like this?


Thank you very much for your suggestion.

However, the result from it is rather close to the obstacle rather than the original line.

I have tried the similar logic but also tried to  link other obstacle as well. In which i have replace the circles in a polyline instead. But i found it different in getting the closest point to measure to make the correct offset. 

I have also attached an image of the imaginary result...

I have also attached the updated files.

Thank you very much for helping me. It is really a great start to learn all these!


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. In my file, have you ever used tolerance setting slider grouped red? And If you add obstacles  arbitrarily, then there might be no general solution.

Thank you Hyungsoo Kim,

I have tried to take it further and develop the attached one.

It is successful when it is putting one set of lines at a time. like this:

So i can generate a correct line that I want from the offset

However, when I try to apply it to many set of curves in each level, it doesnt work...

It takes all the point as consideration, rather than taking each set of curves as a set by its level...

I believe I have to sort the curves into set before processing? Is there a way to do it in Grasshopper?

Thank you very much...

Best regards,









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