
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i am architecture student, now a days i use grasshopper a lot. i have background in coding so arriving at algorithm is not a problem but i am limited in my knowledge. 

every time when i think of solution , almost all complex solution has looping in it. if its single level of looping then i can manage with hoop snake plugin. but when i have nested loop .its get complicated. i couldn't do entirely in scripting because its easy for me to do a function in grasshopper.

is there any option to define a grasshopper definition as function in python scripting ?

how generally people deal with nesting loops without scripting platform?

Views: 463

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Check out anemone. The tutorial is really good. It has the ability to do nested loops and triggered loops very easily which it also shows in the tutorial. For instance this video I made has a nested loop for wrapping the boxes you see after x amount of iterations.






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